Chapter 16 Subgrade Materials
Components and Functions
Subgrade Supports and distributes the loadings Facilitates drainage Serves as a working platform Can be either foundation or embankment
Use Typical Soils/Geotechnical Technology Very Important TTehnology Very Important Subgrade
Subgrades Vary Must Evaluate Consider Stabilizing Top 2 Feet Important Stabilize ??? Top 2 feet important Subgrade
Classification Gravel>2.0 mm Sand 2.0 mm to 0.06 mm Silt 0.06 mm to mm Clay<0.002 mm Unified System – Based on Grain Size and Plasticity
Unified Soil Classification System G—gravel S—sand M—silt C—clay O—organic soil Pt—peat W—well-graded and clean P—poorly graded, relatively clean F—poorly graded, dirty H—high plasticity L—low plasticity
Index Properties
Atterberg Limits
Strength – Resist deformation and be stable under loads Granular – function of shearing strength and cohesion. Fine Grained – Stability is measured by q u Φ S p S = p tan Φ ququ S C = q u /2 Ult. Bearing cap. (q d ) = 5c = 2.5 q u P c = 20 psi Φ=0 Q u /2 C
Soil Surveys – obtain information about the surface and subsurface soils Ideal Soil Properties – Uniformity 1. Free of excess moisture 2. High internal friction 3. High cohesion? 4. High density 5. Low compressibility 6. Low capillary 7. Low elasticity 8. High compaction
Location and Selection 1. Move alignment 2. Improve drainage 3. Borrow materials 4. Stabilize 5. Waterproof
Track Design Assume P a max is 65 psi on ballast P c = 16.8 P a / h 1.25 (Talbot) Where, P c ≤ 2.5 q u or ≤ 1.67 q u q d 50% fs