Fine-grain Task Aggregation and Coordination on GPUs † § Fine-grain Task Aggregation and Coordination on GPUs Marc S. Orr†§, Bradford M. Beckmann§, Steven K. Reinhardt§, David A. Wood†§ ISCA, June 16, 2014
Executive Summary SIMT languages (e.g. CUDA & OpenCL) restrict GPU programmers to regular parallelism Compare to Pthreads, Cilk, MapReduce, TBB, etc. Goal: enable irregular parallelism on GPUs Why? More GPU applications How? Fine-grain task aggregation What? Cilk on GPUs
Outline Background Our Work Results/Conclusion GPUs Cilk Channel Abstraction Our Work Cilk on Channels Channel Design Results/Conclusion
+ Maps well to SIMD hardware - Limits fine-grain scheduling GPUs Today GPU tasks scheduled by control processor (CP)— small, in-order programmable core Today’s GPU abstractions are coarse-grain GPU SIMD SIMD CP CP SIMD SIMD System Memory + Maps well to SIMD hardware - Limits fine-grain scheduling
Cilk Background Cilk extends C for divide and conquer parallelism Adds keywords spawn: schedule a thread to execute a function sync: wait for prior spawns to complete 1: int fib(int n) { 2: if (n <= 2) return 1; 3: int x = spawn fib(n - 1); 4: int y = spawn fib(n - 2); 5: sync; 6: return (x + y); 7: }
Dynamic aggregation enables “CPU-like” scheduling abstractions on GPUs Prior Work on Channels CP, or aggregator (agg), manages channels Finite task queues, except: User-defined scheduling Dynamic aggregation One consumption function GPU SIMD SIMD Agg Agg SIMD SIMD System Memory channels Dynamic aggregation enables “CPU-like” scheduling abstractions on GPUs
Outline Background Our Work Results/Conclusion GPUs Cilk Channel Abstraction Our Work Cilk on Channels Channel Design Results/Conclusion
Enable Cilk on GPUs via Channels Step 1 Cilk routines split by sync into sub-routines 1: int fib (int n) { 2: if (n<=2) return 1; 3: int x = spawn fib (n-1); 4: int y = spawn fib (n-2); 5: sync; 6: return (x+y); 7: } 1: int fib (int n) { 2: if (n<=2) return 1; 3: int x = spawn fib (n-1); 4: int y = spawn fib (n-2); 5: } 6: int fib_cont(int x, int y) { 7: return (x+y); 8: } “pre-sync” “continuation”
Enable Cilk on GPUs via Channels Step 2 Channels instantiated for breadth-first traversal Quickly populates GPU’s tens of thousands of lanes Facilitates coarse-grain dependency management 2 1 “pre-sync” task ready “pre-sync” task done 3 3 3 2 2 1 “continuation” task 4 4 4 3 3 3 A B task A spawned task B A B task B depends on task A 5 5 5 fib channel fib_cont channel stack: top of stack
Bound Cilk’s Memory Footprint Bound memory to the depth of the Cilk tree by draining channels closer to the base case The amount of work generated dynamically is not known a priori We propose that GPUs allow SIMT threads to yield Facilitates resolving conflicts on shared resources like memory 5 4 3 2 1
Channel Implementation Our design accommodates SIMT access patterns + array-based + lock-free + non-blocking See Paper
Outline Background Our Work Results/Conclusion GPUs Cilk Channel Abstraction Our Work Cilk on Channels Channel Design Results/Conclusion
Methodology Implemented Cilk on channels on a simulated APU Caches are sequentially consistent Aggregator schedules Cilk tasks
Cilk scales with the GPU Architecture More Compute Units Faster execution
Conclusion We observed that dynamic aggregation enables new GPU programming languages and abstractions We enabled dynamic aggregation by extending the GPU’s control processor to manage channels We found that breadth first scheduling works well for Cilk on GPUs We proposed that GPUs allow SIMT threads to yield for breadth first scheduling Future work should focus on how the control processor can enable more GPU applications
Divergence and Channels Branch divergence Memory divergence + Data in channels good Pointers to data in channels bad
GPU NOT Blocked on Aggregator
GPU Cilk vs. standard GPU workloads Cilk is more succinct than SIMT languages Channels trigger more GPU dispatches LOC reduction Dispatch rate Speedup Strassen 42% 13x 1.06 Queens 36% 12.5x 0.98 Same performance, easier to program
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