Engaging young people in LLN Youth Guarantee Webinar 8 September 2010
Webinar agenda Some challenges about teaching young people to consider Findings from the research The Youth Guarantee workshops Some challenges about teaching young people to reconsider
Continuum exercise Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 21st Century young people are different. Being literate in the 21st Century is the same as it ever was. NCEA is an appropriate response to changed times. Young people’s pathways decisions are more difficult than ours were. New understandings of learning mean it is not appropriate to teach the way we were taught.
True or false? Young adults should be taught separately from older adults because they are different. Young adults are more extrinsically motivated than older adults. Work and work experience are important to young adults. We should change our views of teaching and learning young adults because of new brain research. Tertiary education should replicate the best things about school. Good teaching is more important than pastoral care for young adults. Literacy and numeracy is best embedded by “stealth” and not addressed explicitly.
How to find the research h-programme/lln/ h-programme/lln/ Literature review; summary report; research report (literature, interviews and case studies A number of publications about adult LLN including the Upskilling Project
Findings from the research Young people/young adults’ LLN outcomes are difficult to measure: – timeframes – research methodology – self report (no national instruments) – economic impact on individual (Tyler) and society – funding (people leave programmes for employment before completion) – measuring “soft outcomes” - self-confidence and self- esteem
What we do know: the learners range of perspectives (Gen Y) motivation and engagement in postschool – importance of vocational approach/work experience – extrinsic motivation – mentoring and counselling – hooking in (referrals or word of mouth) – the impact of the school experience being treated as an adult and as an individual having a voice
Adults who work with young people importance of good teaching “unsung heroes”? dealing with social, personal and academic status in education and qualifications appreciate opportunities to undertake qualifications
Effective organisations Integrated services – friendships facilitated embedded approach – LLN and vocational importance of teaching and relationships with learners hooking in (referrals and word of mouth) social (not physical environment) “not like school” – being an adult
Effective programmes The importance of good teaching – Small groups – Authentic contexts – Short term goals, learning in manageable steps – Start from where the learner is at, meet individual needs – Progress at the learner’s pace – Relaxed informal but focused
What works specifically for young people Use of ICTs and mobile technologies A range of activities, fun activities Short term goals; extrinsic rewards Emotional support from teacher One-on-one mentor, easily accessible Popular culture, youth culture as contexts Valuing of young people for uniqueness Social context facilitated; youth friendly environments
Future considerations 21 st century learning, LLN and young people/young adults (new learnings about the brain) focus on those “most at risk” teacher training and quality (multiple abilities needed) funding models – outcomes, programmes accept multiple approaches
Youth Guarantee Workshops: April and May Participants Programme – Research findings – Sharing resources including assessment tool – Surfacing issues Youth Guarantee cohorts Organisational factors Unexpected and not uniform experiences
Youth Guarantee Workshops Issues – policy implications – funding, age group and demographics, numbers – paperwork – research findings (not so easy in practice) – “these kids are different and harder to motivate” – literacy and numeracy for adults assessment tool – school responses