LULUCF María J. Sanz UNFCCC Secretariat 1-3 April 2008 Bangkok, Thailand AWG-KP 5 In-session workshop on means to reach emission reduction targets.


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Presentation transcript:

LULUCF María J. Sanz UNFCCC Secretariat 1-3 April 2008 Bangkok, Thailand AWG-KP 5 In-session workshop on means to reach emission reduction targets

Overview Articles, provisions and decisions related to LULUCF Main elements in the decision 16/CMP.1

Kyoto Protocol Articles Art. 3.3 ARD Art. 12 CDM Art. 6 JI Art. 3.4 FM,CM,GL,RV Art. 8 Review Art. 7.1 (Reporting) and 7.4 (Reg. and AA) Decision 16/CMP.1 LULUCF Principles, definitions, rules and guidelines Decision 16/CMP.1 LULUCF/ JI Decision 17/CMP.1 IPCC GPG Decision 16/CMP.1 5/CMP.1 6/CMP.1 9/CMP.3 A/R-CDM Decision 15/CMP.1 13/CMP.1 6/CMP.3 KP Reporting tables Decision 18/CMP.1 Review LULUCF Art. 5.2 Adjustments Decision 21/CMP.1 Adjust. LULUCF Provisions 16/CMP.1

Kyoto Protocol Articles Article 3.3. Afforestation, reforestation and deforestation compulsory; Article 3.4. Eligible additional human-induced LULUCF activities (FM, CM, GM, RV); Article 3.7. When LULUCF is taken into account in the establishment of assigned amounts; Article 6. Joint Implementation projects (any LULUCF activity); Article 12. CDM projects include Afforestation and Reforestation activities

Guiding principles of 16/CMP.1 Based on sound science Consistent methodologies over time estimation and reporting Aim in Art. 3.1 not to be changed Mere presence of C stocks excluded Contribution to conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources Not to transfer commitments to a future commitment period Reversal of any removal be accounted for at appropriate point of time Accounting excludes removals resulting from: –Elevated CO 2 concentrations –Indirect N deposition –Effects of activities and practices before the reference year

DecisionElementsArt. 16/CMP.1 Forest definition (area, tree cover, height) Activities Definitions

DecisionElementsArt. 16/CMP.1 Compulsory activities: Afforestation Deforestation Reforestation 3.3 Eligible activities: (1CP, lands will remain accounted in subsequent CPs) Forest management Cropland management Grazing land management 3.4 Project activities: Afforestation/Reforestation (CDM) All (JI) 12 6 Activities included first CP

DecisionElementsArt. 16/CMP.1 Pools: Above Below Dead wood Litter Soil organic carbon Pools included first CP

DecisionElementsArt. 16/CMP.1 Gross-net approach A/R/D Special provision when Party results in a net source under art (9 megatonnes of carbon per year of 1CP) 3.3 Gross-net approach for FM Forest management cap, appendix to 16/CMP.1 Net-net approach for CLM, GLM, revegetation 3.4 Particular rules for the first CP

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