Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Process
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Membership: Executive Secretary, Manager designated by the Superintendent/President Assistant Superintendent/Vice President for Instructional Services Vice President of Student Services Chairperson of the Management Senate President and First Vice President of the Academic Senate President and Second Vice President of the San Joaquin Delta College Teachers Association President of the Classified Senate President and First Vice President of the California School Employees Association Chapter #359 President of the San Joaquin Delta College Police Officers Two students appointed by the Associated Student Body Government Advisory Relationships: Advisory to the President's Council
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Committee Responsibilities: Review suggestions for additions and changes to the San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees Policies and Procedures Manual. Solicit and review comments from other college committees, offices, and groups, regarding policy proposals. Recommend changes to the Policies and Procedures Manual as appropriate.
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee In March 2002, the College joined the Community College League of California (CCLC) Policy & Procedures Service at the direction of the Chancellor. Since joining the League, the Policy and Procedures Review Committee has engaged in a conversion process to bring the College’s existing policies and procedures into the recommended templates prepared by CCLC. What is the League? The Community College League of California is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 72 local community college districts in California. Within the League are two major organizations which share a common mission, staff and fiscal resources: the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) and the Chief Executive Officers of the California Community Colleges (CEOCCC). Two additional organizations are also affiliated with the League: the Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA); and the California Community College Classified Senate (CCCCS).
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Working with the law firm Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, CCLC has put in place Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) for use by California Community Colleges and the Chancellor’s Office as guides in updating or developing district policies and procedures. language that is legally required for Board action under federal law or regulation, or state law or regulation the requirements set forth for accreditation by the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC/WASC) language advised by legal counsel to help protect the District should litigation occur “Good Practice” to help with the effective operation of the District The Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) have been thoroughly developed to include
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Shared Governance Groups: Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Management Senate, ASBG, CSEA, CTA, POA
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Administrative Procedure 2601 “Policy and Procedures Processing” provides step by step instructions to initiate the amendment and/or implementation of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures. Administrative Procedure 2602 “Proposal for Policy and Procedure Review” is used to submit proposed new policy/procedures and/or amendments to the Policy & Procedures Review Committee. AP 2602 is a electronic MicroSoft Word Document designed for the user to type into.
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee The Policies & Procedures Collection is maintained electronically in DocuShare, a electronic document collection site which is available online.
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are reviewed by the President’s Council following the full review process of the Policies and Procedures Review Committee. Administrative Procedures without companion Board Policies are adopted/amended by the President’s Council. When Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are adopted/amended they are added to the online SJDC Policies & Procedures DocuShare collection. The final adoption/amendment dates are recorded in a chronological file for reference (which is also housed in the online collection). Board Policies are presented to the Board of Trustees in writing for First and Second Reading. Board Policies with a companioned Administrative Procedure are also presented to the Board.
Board of Trustees Presentation, December 16, 2008 Policy & Procedures Review Committee Board of Trustee First Reading Board of Trustee Second Reading Changes and/or recommendations from the Board are received on First Reading.