Binary and Denary Numbers
Time remaining: Today’s date : all of the things that this COULD mean: even if you think that what you are thinking is daft Tell me…….. 14 th January
What could 1 mean? In computing it could mean….. Binary digit (bit) A computer only recognises switches and 1 means that the switch is ‘On’ In Boolean you only have True or False, 1 means ‘True’
Key terms Data Binary Denary Nibble Bit Byte Kilobyte Megabyte Gigabyte Terabyte
Units of computer data 4 bits=1 nibble 8 bits=1 byte 1024 bytes=1 kilobyte 1024 megabytes=1 gigabyte 1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte 1024 terabytes= 1 petabyte
Denary & Binary Denary Base 10: The number 217: Binary Base 2: The number 217:
Converting denary to binary & back again Denary number between 0 – 255: /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder /2 Remainder
Have a go Demonstrate your learning: Complete the 2 examples on the learning sheet Challenge (complete on paper): Convert these numbers: Convert to denary: