Chesterton Community College… 16 and Beyond Welcome to…
The start of a hectic year!!!
Tonight… Tonight marks the beginning of the process for parents & carers, but not for students. They’ve already had a similar presentation. They have also had a special Post-16 Day last week when they started to write their personal statements and their online applications.
The Process – what happens? Personal Statements Prospectuses & online research Choose favourite courses Estimated Grade References Predicted grades are what the colleges initially use to make a decision
The Application Students should have their decisions made and draft UCAS application completed by mid December. Final checks, advice and predicted grades/references added early January. Applications approved in January by Tutor, Miss Heggan, Mrs Martin and Mr Erickson. Interviews take place from February onwards.
The Application Students may apply for up to 5 institutions of their choice but their choice must be a suitable course for them. There will be information sent out regarding Post-16 centres’ interview policies Some Post-16 centres expect students to select a 1 st choice centre e.g. Parkside, Netherhall & Hills Road. It is up to the Post-16 centres to inform students if they have an interview ( s and addresses must be correct).
Post-16 Providers Post-16 centres will make offers according to their own published criteria in their admissions policy Clear guidance will be provided by Post-16 centres about how students will be expected to confirm the decline of offers made Students will be expected to respond to offers following the instructions provided with the offer
Raising the Participation Age This is not just about staying on at school or college. A wide range of learning opportunities will be available. A young person may continue in full-time education follow a full-time work-based learning route, e.g. an apprenticeship undertake part-time education or training for about one day a week if –they work –they are self-employed –they volunteer for at least 20 hours per week.
Post 16 options Continue with your education at college or sixth form Start an Apprenticeship or Traineeship Get a job or volunteer, with training Year 11
Courses and Qualifications Level 321 General mostly examinations A/AS-level IB GCSE A*-C GCSE D-G Vocational / Applied mostly coursework BTEC/OCR Level 3 BTEC/OCR Level 2 BTEC Level 1 Vocational (craft) coursework based (NVQ)/C&G L3 Advanced Apprenticeship Traineeship (NVQ)/C&G L2 Intermediate Apprenticeship Traineeship (NVQ)/C&G L1 Pre-employment scheme
Qualifications Framework Most pupils will leave Chesterton ready to begin a Level 1, 2 or 3 course Some will begin a course that will enable them to reach Level 1 – THERE ARE ALWAYS OPTIONS You can help your child work out which Level of course they should be applying for by going over their estimated grades with them
Our Post-16 Providers Cambridge Area Partnership CAP Cambridge Regional College College of West Anglia (Cambridge) Comberton Sixth Form Cottenham Sixth Form Ely Sixth Form Hills Road Sixth Form College Impington Sixth Form Long Road Sixth Form College Netherhall Sixth Form Parkside Sixth University Technical College Cambridge
The Routes…
Apprenticeships Competition is strong Many providers will ask for at least 5 A*-C Different requirements for different apprenticeships
Apprenticeships & Traineships If your child is interested, remind them to book a careers appointment with our Youth Locality Support Adviser Mike Richards ASAP. Check the weekly bulletin and CRC. Mr Richards is available at certain times in school if your child wants to discuss any of their options.
BTECs This means your child will learn practical, work-related tasks designed to help them develop the skills and knowledge to do a job effectively. Vocational qualifications can help: to get the necessary skills needed to start a job to progress in a career lead on to further learning
Diplomas Diplomas combine academic learning with practical, hands-on skills Focus on skills needed for future Diplomas can lead to college and university or into skilled employment
Cambridge Pre-U Pre-U The Cambridge University Pre-U is a demanding, academic qualification designed for high-achieving students. It is a linear course which is examined towards the end of year 13. Students can opt to take a Pre-U course instead of one AS and A-Level course. The benefit of the Pre-U qualification is that it provides additional academic challenge and can exceed the A* grading at A-level. This is provided by Comberton VC so it is best to look at their prospectus and requirements for further information.
Further Education AS – A2 / International Baccalaureate Entry Requirements Depends on the Post-16 centre so read entry requirements carefully Some colleges ask for at least B grade average profile Hills Road is over subscribed!! Essential to get C+ at Maths and English or can’t begin Level 3 course
English & Maths If students do not achieve English and maths GCSEs (A* to C), they must continue studying towards this post-16 (GCSE/Functional skills).
A Level Structure A level structure from September The new A level will be linear, with all assessment at the end of two years of study. Although the AS level will be retained, it will be redesigned as a high quality stand-alone qualification as opposed to a means of progression to A2. gcse-and-a-level-reformhttps:// gcse-and-a-level-reform
International Baccalaureate English Maths Foreign Language Sciences Humanities The Arts
A Relative Can Get Me a Job or an Apprenticeship F.E.
Nearly Done!!!
After Tonight…
Useful websites
After Tonight… Visit as many centres as possible – Open Evening dates have already been posted out on Parentmail and are on our website. Seek advice and help your child enter FE at the right level for them and on a course which suits them Remember, there is a place for everyone in FE. Don’t discount any centre, look at them all Encourage your child to work hard and attend!
Chesterton Community College… 16 and Beyond