World Wide Web Hyperlinks Servers/Clients Browsers HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
Hyperlinks Clicking will take you to another page or site. Can be attached to text or images. HTML CODE: LINK TEXT are ‘anchors’ text – both the above will link to google.
Servers -- Clients Web servers hold web pages Clients ask for pages (by typing their address in a browser) Server sends a copy of the page to client(s) – Too many client requests may crash the server (this is how a ‘denial-of-service’ attack works) Web server Client Client requests page Server sends page Client requests page Server sends pages
Browsers Display webpages (convert text html code)
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Tags describe to the browser what and how to display stuff. Most come in pairs, open <> and close and this will notThis will be bold This will be bold Turn on bold mode and this will not and this will notThis will be bold Output this textTurn off bold modeOutput this text TagResult Bold Italic Paragraph Image Hyperlink
URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) The address of files on the internet. – Usually web pages (.html,.php,.asp) – Also images (.jpg,.gif,.png etc) – Other files (.pdf,.docx,.zip) The address has parts split by the slashes. protocol (hyper text transfer) the domain name /images/pdfdocs/the path (the folders within the domain) Astor_2013_2014.pdfthe file