SQIN CIP November Supplier Quality Incident Notification Supplier Access via the Internet INITIAL This will be sent out when a supplier’s details are added to the SQIN System The also includes a link to the log in page and an initial password INTERNET ACCESS: Clicking on the blue hyperlink will access the internet at the Pilkington Supplier Incidents Login Page
SQIN CIP November Supplier Quality Incident Notification Supplier Access via the Internet (continued) INCIDENT LIST: After logging in, the incident list is shown for all current SQINs VIEW INDIVIDUAL SQIN:: Click on to access each individual SQIN NOTE 2: Once logged in, you can change your password by clicking on the menu option at the top of the screen NOTE 1: From the top menu, clicking on Open SQINs and Closed SQINs will show current and historic information respecitvely
SQIN CIP November Supplier Quality Incident Notification Supplier Access via the Internet (continued) DOWNLOAD 8D DOCUMENT TEMPLATE:: Click on to download the template UPLOAD: When the 8D document is complete, enter the file path and description and click Upload
SQIN CIP November Supplier Quality Incident Notification Supplier Access via the Internet (continued) SUBMIT DETAILS:: Once the 8D document and supporting information has been uploaded, click on Submit to send the details to the Pilkington system. NOTE: Further details such as Pilkington Contacts, Supplier Contacts and History can be found at the bottom of the page.