Phytosanitary and Regulatory Perspective of MLN FRANCIS MWATUNI Website:
KEPHIS (Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service) A state corporation in the ministry of Agriculture mandated to offer regulatory services in the agricultural sector. VISION: The Lead Regulator And Facilitator Of Globally Competitive Agriculture MISSION: To Provide A Science-Based Regulatory Service By Assuring Quality Of Agricultural Inputs And Produce To Promote Food Security And Sustainable Development
Legal Framework Agriculture Act, Cap 318 Agricultural Produce (Export) Act, Cap 319 Agricultural Produce Marketing Act, Cap 320 Plant Protection Act, Cap 324 The Suppression of Noxious Weeds Act, Cap 325
Legal Framework Cont. The Seeds and Plant varieties Act, Cap 326 The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs Act, Cap 345 The Pest Control Products Act, Cap 346 Biosafety Act, 2009 Supported by a number of International Instruments such UPOV Convention, OECD seed scheme etc
KEPHIS Activities in relation to MLND Disease surveillance Laboratory diagnostics of MLN - For local and imported seed as well as post control testing of maize seed - Has laboratory capacity to test MLND Centralized regulation of maize seed imports Seed Certification process Training and sensitization of stakeholders
MLN Disease Surveillance KEPHIS has been involved in the collaborative field surveys e.g. Maize National Tour Surveillance by inspectors form the Plant Quarantine and Biosecurity Station (PQBS) MLN Surveillance coordinated by KEPHIS Pest Risk Analysis Team(KEPHIS-HQ Surveillance by KEPHIS Inspectors in other regional offices Surveillance Samples analyzed at KEPHIS Plant Quarantine molecular laboratory for MCMV & SCMV
Laboratory Diagnostics on MLND Capacity Building on MLND diagnostics done at FERA-UK; January 2013. Focused on Real-Time PCR assays for seed testing A seed testing protocol developed KEPHIS adopted the protocol Currently involved in routine testing of MCMV and SCMV for advisory services and seed certification ( local and imported seeds)
Laboratory diagnostics Diagnostics equipment in the Molecular lab and analysts doing Nucleic acids extraction
Centralized regulation of maize seed/grain imports All Requests to import maize seed are controlled at KEPHIS-HQ Karen. Also imports of maize grain has been centralized Maize seed importers required to send a representative sample to KEPHIS for MLN Screening prior to importation.
Seed import/export Regulation Only registered seed merchants are allowed to import/export seed An SR14 form is filled to notify kephis for the intention to im port or export seed. A plant Import Import permit is issued for the importation. Seed can also be imported by researchers for experimental purposes
Import regulation and Phytosanitary measures Due to the threats of introducing new strains of MCMV, seed samples are delivered to Kephis Plant health labs for screening for the two viruses. A plant Import permit is issued for importation once the lot is declared to be free from the viruses. The imported seed is subjected to seed testing in the Seed testing lab In Kephis,Lanet.
MLND Viruses transmission Seed transmission of the MCMV is very low It was determined that out of 42,000 seeds, only 17 seeds will transmit MCMV (Stanely et al 1991). ScMV is not known to be transmitted through seed (Humaydan, 1979).
Devastated field
Seed Certification Measures Field Inspection of Seed fields is based on the minimum thresholds for rejection at 10%. Agreement with seed companies to implement recommendations for preventing MLND infection Seed companies have adopted the dressing of the seed with systemic insecticides e.g Thunder, gaucho, Cruiser.
Inspectors in the field A devastated seed field A seed Inspector in the field
Seed Certification Measures Seed is also dressed with fungicides, eg Maxim and Royalcap PCPB is currently evaluating several insecticides for seed dressing that can protect the maize crop in the field for a longer period
Participation in stakeholder awareness programs Early 2013, involved in MLND awareness program coordinated by MOA in collaboration with FAO. Covered different maize production regions around the country Focused on early detection of symptoms, and the available management options
Stakeholders a wareness forums Bomet Olenguruon
Infected babycorn crop in Naivasha