WHY WINDOWS LIVE MAIL As we already know, Windows 7 [W7] does NOT come with an program Outlook Express and Windows Mail just disappear!
WHY WINDOWS LIVE MAIL If you have been using Outlook Express or Windows Mail, you will probably prefer to use Windows Live Mail with W7 – Outlook will work with W7 Can also move from Thunderbird etc. – may need to download File Import/Export add-on
WHERE TO GET IT Search “download windows live mail” See below – check the domain name Free download
FIRST CONSIDERATIONS Two possible scenarios: – Upgrading an existing computer – Upgrading to a new computer
UPGRADING AN EXISTING COMPUTER It is suggested that the best approach is to install WLM before installing W7 – because once W7 is installed you can’t go back This will also give you an opportunity to “try before you buy” Can go back if there are any problems
TWO FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED Stored s Address Book/Contacts
FIRST STEPS Clean up your stored s Download and install Windows Live Mail Open WLM - You will be prompted to make it your default – best not to at this stage
IMPORTING S Click File-Import- Messages
Select the program from which you are importing Click next
The location of your stored s will be selected automatically – click next
Best to select “all folders” – click next to start the import
AFTER THE IMPORT Your stored s will be in a folder called “Storage” Go to it – expand it and check to see what has been imported – Look in “Local Folders”
WHAT HAPPENED? The import may not reflect the folder names and structures as currently set up It seems that the actual storage reflects the original set up before any folder name or structure changes over time NOT A PROBLEM – CAN CHANGE NAMES AND STRUCTURE
FINAL STEP Drag “Local Folders” from the Import folder to the account folder to be under “Storage” directly Rename and/or restructure as needed
IMPORTING ADDRESS BOOK Windows Live Mail does not have a direct import facility as we saw with stored s Need to export from old address book, the import to Windows Live Contacts Suggest to clean up contacts as a first step
EXPORTING THE OLD ADRESSES In the address book, click file – export – Comma Separated Values [CSV]. This file format will be found in most systems
NAME AND LOCATION Be sure to choose a name and location that you will remember
THE IMPORT Click file – import – CSV
COMPLETE THE IMPORT You get a chance to change what is imported
UPGRADING TO A NEW COMPUTER FOR S This mostly means XP to W7 – likely to be the same computer if Vista to W7. If you went through a process of transferring files from the old computer to the new, s should be there and may be imported as shown before If they are not found then they have to be copied onto removable media on the old computer
UPGRADING TO A NEW COMPUTER FOR S Have to find them In XP they are hidden and must first un-hide as below
UPGRADING TO A NEW COMPUTER FOR S The usual locations are shown below – use Windows Explorer to access them and copy to removable media
FROM VISTA If the old computer is Vista and the files did not transfer, the process is basically the same but files are not hidden – the default location is shown below
UPGRADING TO A NEW COMPUTER FOR ADDRESS BOOK Basically as show before except you will have to export to removable media The following illustrations show the Export in XP – Vista is similar
THE IMPORT The Import is exactly as shown before
MANAGE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS Each Account has it’s own folder Folders look very familiar Outbox is “common”
ADDING AN ACCOUNT IS EASY Your default account will be set up if – as suggested – Live Mail was installed before installing W7
IF YOU SEE THIS You will need to enter the information provided by the ISP
FOR LARGE PROVIDERS This means [with some exceptions] Hotmail, G-Mail etc. Live Mail detects your account settings and will create the account automatically
USING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS Incoming mail is directed to the proper account folder For outgoing mail, you choose the account