Importing and linking through Access Please use speaker notes for additional information!
Import from dbase5 File/Get External Data/Import brings you to a screen that allows you to select a table. I selected a.dbf file that I had created in dBase. I then clicked on Import and the successful message was returned. File type selected was dbase5.
Table imported in Access The import resulted in the table firstlst1 being created within the database and the data from the.dbf file being made available.
Query on imported data Query for all CPR majors and the results.
Import.dbf with numbers and dates
Created using Word and then saving as a text file First screen Second screen
Cont. of txt file In slide 3 I specify a new table. In slide 4 I gave a name, excepted the long integer data type and specified indexed with no duplicates.
Cont of.txt file I dealt with each field individually, giving them a name and a type. For Idno I specified Yes with no duplicates under indexed, but it still brought up the index screen with the default of Let Access add primary key. On the same screen, you move through each field individually, specifying name, type and indexed. Then the next screen asks specifically about indexes.
Cont..txt import When the table was created, I was warned of errors. If you look back at the data you will see the carriage control character included with the quantity on the last record. This caused the quantity to be rejected. Contents of the error table.
Import from excel I specified the column headings in row one on my spreadsheet as you can see above.
Excel import cont.
Layout of the table and data that came over from Excel. Table after I modified it - not data was lost.
Link Notice that the name of the spreadsheet is Toimport.xls. I have now established a link which I named Linkexcel.
Linked to excel The spreadsheet that I created and have linked to is shown here. I went into Excel and changed the information on the second line. I saved the spreadsheet. I then went into Access and viewed the Linkexcel Table. The changes made in Excel show up here.
Linked to excel I then went into Access and changed the Idno on the third record, and the Name and Quan on the last record. I then went back into Excel and opened the spreadsheet. The changes had been made.
Changes to the dbase file that is linked
Link to text in Word I went into word and changed the name on the last record to Joyce Fox. Notice that the change is reflected in Access.
Append records from Base Table to append records too. Query with all data on records to be appended.
Append cont. The Append from the previous slide is now saved as AppendRecords. The original records are Ann Feld and Daniel Ponte. The other records were appended from the second table.