eShopCONNECT ™, Order Importer and other plugins from Lerryn Tim Sheppard Group Managing Director Lerryn Data Technology Ltd 11 th May 2010
Lerryn Data Technology Ltd Part of Lerryn Group Ltd In business since 1995 Supply custom billing software to main UK Energy utilities and SME business solutions Leading developer of Interprise Suite plugins with the largest range of off-the-shelf products worldwide Now committed to bringing our products to the Tradepoint platform
Initial plugins for Tradepoint eShopCONNECT Order Importer Historic Customer and Order Import UK & US Payroll Asset Management
eShopCONNECT & Order Importer 2 products that share same core XML import technology, but are designed to meet different market requirements – Core function provides import of Sales Quotes, Orders, Invoices & Credit Notes into Tradepoint Enterprise Server based products - designed to operate automatically – Once installed and configured, no user intervention required, apart from exception handling XML has become the standard for system interfacing – XML is structured and readable by both man and machine
Principles of Operation Both product have similar core components – Tradepoint plugin for configuration eShopCONNECT includes additional settings on Product form – Windows Service which performs all the automated functions Cannot have both products installed on the same Tradepoint DB eShopCONNECT has additional components – Web Service which accepts XML web import using HTTP Post – Database triggers which drive the Sales Order and Inventory update processes Fully automated operation with no user action required – Both products will notify a nominated address of any errors Can be configured to authorise Credit Card during import
Order Importer Order Importer provides file based XML import – Primarily aimed at users with an external system who need live Order/Invoice import e.g. custom Telesales front end systems external manufacturing systems – Purchase Importer handles Supplier Bill/Invoice import
eShopCONNECT eShopCONNECT core provides web based XML import – Its power comes from the eShopCONNECTORS which provide automated integration with popular eCommerce sites Amazon Channel Advisor (eBay and Amazon) Volusion Magento coming soon Other connectors as demand dictates – Enables Tradepoint users to trade on Amazon etc with the same level of integration as with their own web site
Historic Order Import Package of Order Importer, Historic Order Processing plugin and XML generation utility – Provides facility for initial import of Sales History and Customers when migrating to Tradepoint Enterprise – Enables users to view previous orders from the legacy system within Tradepoint Imports all Customer records associated with historic orders Optional import of Quotes and Leads
Market Opportunities 4 main target markets – Customers with external systems needing live import into Tradepoint Enterprise Order Importer (with option of Purchase Importer) – Traders on Amazon,, Volusion, Channel Advisor etc eShopCONNECT with relevant eShopCONNECTORs – Customers with existing eCommerce site who want to implement Tradepoint Enterprise, but retain existing web site eShopCONNECT with bespoke connector – Customers who want Historic Sales Order data within Tradepoint Historic Order Import package – included Order Importer
US Payroll Overview Structure based on Lerryn’s US & UK online Payrolls – Payroll functions are web based No payroll upgrade roll-out, always up to date Web access options for remote staff – Uses commercially proven US sourced DLL for withholding tax calculation – Dedicated plugin creates Payroll & HR module – Payroll data is encrypted and held on our web server – Employee records are also available with Tradepoint DB for access by other modules Automatic bi-directional synchronisation – Full integration with Tradepoint Banking and Accounting functions – Canadian payroll coming soon
Asset Manager Assets Insurance Policies Maintenance Contracts Finance Agreements Tenants Categories, Sub-categories, Asset Groups, Locations Depreciation and other wizards – Straight Line, Reducing Balance, Sum-of-Years-Digits, Double Declining Balance
Thank you for your attention Contacts at Lerryn Technical Tim Sheppard Commercial Neil Seekings