Importing from a HydraFLASH Project file (.prj)


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Presentation transcript:

Importing from a HydraFLASH Project file (.prj)

In this tutorial you will learn how to import a HydraFLASH Project File (.prj) into HydraFLASH 3.0.

1. Select the ‘Composition Management’ tab from the ribbon menu.

2. Click the ‘Import from HydraFLASH Project File (.prj)’ button.

3. Now, you should select and import a saved HydraFLASH Project File (.prj) by selecting the file and clicking on “Open”.

4. Now, you can edit the component and feed values of the composition. Click ‘Save’ to set the composition as the currently active composition. Please note: Any changes will not effect the HydraFLASH Project File (.prj). Once completed, enter a name and save the composition.

In this tutorial, you have been shown how to:  Import a composition from a HydraFLASH Project File (.prj).  Edit/Save the imported composition You should now be able to import a HydraFLASH Project File (.prj) for further use within the application.