LIFECYCLE METADATA FOR DIGITAL OBJECTS Danielle Cunniff Plumer School of Information The University of Texas at Austin Summer 2014
Using ArchivesSpace You should have an account in the class ArchivesSpace instance: Username: your EID Password: (initial) There are three four predefined repositories: IMLS C2C (IMLS Connecting to Collections Initiative) AFP (Austin Fanzine Project) Sandbox Graffiti Start in the Sandbox
Sandbox Repository Selected
Create a Subject
New Subject Panel
New Subject: Graffiti
With Linked Data!
Authority URLs Library of Congress Authorities LCNAF, LCSH: TGM: VIAF Getty AAT: TGN:
Adding terms from AAT Start at Search for your term Open the record for the term Click on the link for “Sematic View” above the ID Copy the Source URI
Add Subject to a Resource Select a Resource; select Edit Can be at any level Scroll down to “Subjects” Select “Add Subject” Either search for or browse for an existing subject Link subject to resource
Add Your Own Subject Try to add something non-duplicative so you don’t overlap with other people in the class! Use LCSH, TGM, AAT, or TGN Note that URIs are not available for TGN (yet) Add the subject to your resource
Add an Agent Start with LCNAF Select “LCNAF Import” Plugin from Plug-ins list
LCNAF Import
Import Log
Create an Agent - Person
Use Authority ID, if available
Add Note (Biographical/Historical)
Download EAC-CPF
Authorities Assignment Create 5 Authority Records in ArchivesSpace At least one person agent (not LCNAF Import) At least one corporate agent At least one software agent At least one each of the following Subject types: LCSH TGN Submit a list of the authority records you created (plus either EAC-CPF export or screenshot (or subjects) by end-of-day on Monday, July 14.
Aside: Claim Your ORCID
Useful URLs iSchool ArchivesSpace Connecting to Collections at UIUC Austin Fanzine Project DACS version ArchivesSpace GitHub: Example files for import testing: xporters/examples xporters/examples
Notes ArchivesSpace help isn’t available (requires membership) Our public interface is ArchivesSpace Sandbox is available Use username “admin” password “admin”