Cargo-3000 logistic software T: 604-273-8989 , F: 604-273-8181 .
Benefits of Cargo-3000 Easy to use Full set of documents Profit & loss reports Shipments details Summary reports Integrated Accounting Internet access Data consolidation 1st class database engine – SYBASE Language: C++ Over 100 concurrent users
Air Import- data entry screen One master file contains multi shipments Modify information on the fly – Quick & easy Copy order: create & copy a NEW shipment with minor changes of information. List location or contact for competitive analysis (or other related documents) here
Features : Print out Documents All forms meet custom standard Laser print out on plain or pre-print forms Each form has the Company identity logo Company terms and conditions on each form One TIME data entry : no redundancy All data is easily stored and can be extracted for future references Store and recall unlimited records
Air-Import –In Bond / Pre-Alert System has built in Bar code printing feature “Carrier code” Notify customer broker
Air Import- Release Notice Once the In-bond and Pre-alert notice are well received , immediately fax this Release Notice to warehouse. As simple as 1...2…3 Next is the manifest and the invoice print out
Air Import- Manifest / Invoice Cargo Manifest release notice On the invoice, it clearly states the amount in multi currency i.e. US$ & CD$
Air Export – data entry screen All fields are carefully arranged in sequence Once data is entered, numerous documents are being generated . No more redundancy All data is integrated. Click for print out
Air Export- Master /House WB All forms are officially approved by Custom
Air Export – Manifest /Invoice HAWB# / # of PKGS PP/C /Address Commodity / weight / measure……
Ocean Import –Data entry screen Simply follow and fill in information in each field. Tab…tab… Memo – For special instructions /comments
Ocean Import – In Bond / Release notice
Ocean Import –Arrival Notice Without delay – documents are sent to custom for clearance
Ocean Import-Manifest /Simple Simple Manifest: For local agents
Ocean Import –Invoice Display up to 12 containers # List of freight charges Exchange rate Multi currency Company logo
Ocean-Export- data entry screen Remote Accessibly Easily edit shipment information prior to posting.
Ocean Export - HBL / Instruction Master
Ocean Export –Booking Confirmation / Manifest Complete with required information
Ocean Export –Commercial invoice Click on “ print invoice” Fax it to your customer’s accounts payable Shipment process is done One time data entry
Sophisticated Features / Reports Shipments summary Invoices summary Profit & loss reports Cargo lift annual reports Agents reports Accounts receivable statements A/R & A/P reports Cheque printing Export data to MS Excel Cargo invoice summary Cargo shipment summary FEATURES Multi- currency ( 7 +) Bank information Custom brokers Detail customers /consignees/shippers information Data consolidation for multi locations Internet access Fully integrated accounting
List of documents ( Ocean ) Ocean Export Export booking confirmation House Bill of Lading Instruction Master Invoice Cargo Manifest Profit and Loss report per shipment / per master waybill Ocean import B-13 custom in bond form (Canada) Notice of shipment arrival House bill of lading Invoice Cargo manifest Profit and loss report per shipment / per master waybill
List of documents ( air ) Air export Export booking confirmation Master air waybill House air waybill Instruction master Invoice Cargo manifest Cargo manifest to US Profit and loss report per shipment/ per master waybill Air import B-13 custom in bond form (Canada) Notice of shipment arrival House bill of lading Invoice Cargo manifest Profit and loss report per shipment / per master waybill
Accounting Features All accounting statements are expressed in home source and foreign currency. CAD / USD
Accounting Features
Charge Table data entry screen Profit & loss indicator on each transaction Currency exchange rate can be pre-set
Customer / Vendor edit screen Customers/ Vendors information is stored for reference at anytime Customer types
Service & Support 24 / 7 internet support Instant technical support New features launching annually Customization for your operation requirement Enhancement service contract Strong technical team
Cargo-3000 is one of most complete features packed software Easy friendly user interface. Simply move the cursor and follow the flow. Powerful features yet simple to use
For more information : GMW is an international freight services company. She has been in business for over 12 years. GMW has a strong worldwide agency network and good relationship with major shipping lines and airlines. For more information :