In Campus Pipeline use the My Class Rosters link appropriate for your computer and follow the directions to browse to your roster files. Copy and paste your files to your desktop.
Open your grade book and choose Import from the File Menu.
Choose Easy Import of Students and then click Next.
Click the New Class button.
Type in your course name and choose a term. Many teachers use Quarter 1 for the fall term and Quarter 2 for the spring term. It really doesn’t matter.
Open the corresponding roster file from your desktop.
The list on the left side are fields from the roster file. Match them with EGP field names from the drop down list on the right side. Typically all that is needed in a grade book is name and ID info.
When you have finished matching the needed fields, give your format (field mapping) a name so you can use it for the rest of your classes and then click Next.
A preview of your roster info is displayed. Click the Import Records button.
Congratulations! You have populated your grade book without typing names and IDs.
Import again if you have other classes.
For the rest of your classes you can use the import format you saved instead of the Easy Import of Students. You should be able to find it by clicking the Other Formats tab.
Once all your classes are imported it is time to populate your assignments. If you will be using many of the same assignments as you used in a previous class you may want to copy the assignments to your newly created class.
In this example I am copying assignments from a Quarter 1 Math class to both of the Accounting classes I imported earlier. Note that you can choose to copy part or all of the assignments.
Yeah! Now go spend the data-entry time you saved on something more important.