RMTrak Requirements Management Tracking/Tracing Tool Prometeo Technologies 19 Simpson Road Windham, NH 03087 617.913.0879 sales@rmtrak.com www.RMTrak.com Requirements Management Tracking/Tracing Tool © Copyright RBC Product Development. 2002. All rights reserved. This presentation has been optimized for your browser size. If you have difficulty viewing a graphic, please try re-sizing your browser window. Please contact Prometeo Technologies at sales@rmtrak.com or www.RMTrak.com with any questions.
What is RMTrak? What is RMTrak? RMTrak is a tagging, tracing, allocation, and verification system, also known as a "requirements management tool," developed by Prometeo Technologies. RMTrak was designed for product development companies but can easily be configured for any other type of company needing to tag, trace, allocate, and verify project requirements.
RMTrak features Allows you to work with the documents the way you are used to, whether the requirements database is present or not Flexible enough to fit into your current development process Common reports and views included; supports add-in reports and custom views Easy to use Missing or deleted database can be simply recreated from documents Customizable to meet your specific needs Easily imports requirements and create documents from other requirements management tools, including Rational® RequisitePro® databases RMTrak requires a significantly shorter learning curve, and removes the need for costly training, because it uses methods and procedures many users are already familiar with
How RMTrak works How RMTrak works RMTrak works with your companies' product development documentation (created in Microsoft® Word) with one adjustment: adding tags around each requirement listed in your documentation. With each requirements document you create, you will need to add tags around the individual requirements—this will allow RMTrak to recognize these items as traceable requirements. Because you can put tags in any chosen Microsoft® Word style, you can format these tags to be invisible to uninterested readers. As you create documents with tagged requirements, you’ll import them into RMTrak, which will sort the requirements into a database. You will use RMTrak to generate reports based on the tags and their status. Once a requirement’s attributes show it has passed all of its tests, RMTrak will mark the item as "closed." That way, you can generate reports based on which items successfully passed their tests and which requirements have been fulfilled for the project. As you continue to maintain your project’s documents using Microsoft® Word and as you continue to manage the documents’ requirements using RMTrak, you will continue to get a vivid picture of how your requirements stand and how your project is progressing.
What you need to know to use RMTrak If you’re an executive or administrator who needs to use RMTrak to create/print views and reports, you will need only to know how to use RMTrak. RMTrak has an extensive online help system and tutorial to help you learn RMTrak easily. Additionally, Prometeo Technologies is dedicated to helping you in any way. If you or your project management team is creating the database and documents for your RMTrak project, you will need to know a few things before you can use RMTrak: RMTrak was designed to work with Microsoft® Word documents. You’ll need to know how to use Microsoft® Word for creating your documents. Although RMTrak can be used to manage requirements for any type of project, it was especially developed for product development companies. Familiarity with product development and a defined product development process will be helpful if you want to use the default document types and attributes. The tagging you will put in your documents is simple. However, if you are unfamiliar with creating tags, you should consult other resources before tagging your documents for RMTrak.
Ease of use while maximizing functionality RMTrak is designed for ease of use while maximizing functionality. From the creation of a new database to ongoing management of a new product, you’ll benefit from RMTrak’s efficient design. Creating a database is the first step to working with a new project in RMTrak. Databases can be saved to a networked server or a standalone workstation. With RMTrak it is easy to create a database with default or customized attributes, or to import an existing Rational® Requisite Pro® database, thanks to RMTrak’s three different database creation wizards: Default, Custom, and Importing Rational® Requisite Pro®. Creating a custom database
Custom Database Features Custom Database Configurations RMTrak’s completely customizable database lets you set up your project with your choice of configurations when you first create the project—you can easily change these features at any time. RMTrak walks you through the steps of customizing your project from the very beginning. The above screenshots show some of the configuration options that are initially created with custom databases but can be changed any time.
The RMTrak Interface The RMTrak Interface RMTrak’s interface was designed to be exceptionally simple and easy to use. To add a document to a project, click New then add the document. To change a document’s properties, highlight the document then click Properties. To update a document in RMTrak (to recognize new or changed text), highlight the document then click Refresh. RMTrak will scan the new version for changes and update its database automatically. Views, reports, tagging setup, and more is available from the menu bar at the top of the window. Refreshing a document from within RMTrak
“Document-centric” approach RMTrak’s “document-centric” approach lets you use Microsoft® Word to easily and efficiently create and edit your documents with one adjustment: adding tags around each requirement listed in your documentation. With each requirements document you create, you'll need to add tags around the individual requirements—this will later allow RMTrak to recognize these items as traceable requirements. Because you can put tags in any chosen Microsoft® Word style, you can easily make these tags invisible to uninterested readers. (Detailed information on how to do this is outlined in the RMTrak tutorial and help files.) Tagged requirements in a Microsoft® Word document
“Document-centric” approach: Creativity RMTrak lets you format your documents they way you are used to, and doesn’t require any specific format. Placing attributes with your tags, such as the tester, test method, test date, and test status, can help RMTrak generate reports that show you when your tests have been successfully passed (and which ones have not). Tagged requirements in a Microsoft® Word document in a table format
“Document-centric” approach: The Tag Menu RMTrak, adds macros and a handy Tag Menu to Microsoft® Word you can use to help you quickly and easily tag requirements in your documents. The Tag Menu is available from the View/Toolbars menu in Microsoft® Word.
“Document-centric” architecture: Editing document properties and importing them into RMTrak RMTrak can retrieve the document title, number, and revision from the Microsoft® Word document properties, or you can manually enter this information in RMTrak. By adding custom properties to your document, then setting up RMTrak to recognize your custom properties, you can have RMTrak instantly recognize your documents’ numbers and revisions. Step 2: You can set up RMTrak to automatically import document numbers and revisions from the custom properties you created. The Documents tab is available from the Setup/Options menu in RMTrak. Step 1: Document properties can be created/modified from the File/ Properties menu in Microsoft® Word. Step 3: When you add a document to RMTrak, RMTrak will automatically recognize its number and revision.
Configuration options allow for seamless integration: Setup Options RMTrak’s configuration options allow for the seamless integration of this powerful tool into your current development process. Setup options can be customized to further enhance RMTrak’s fit within your organization. RMTrak’s Setup menu lets you configure attributes, document types, the Tag Filter, and Options for tagging, requirements, documents, and output formats.
RMTrak Setup Options RMTrak Setup Options The information RMTrak needs to identify requirements is embedded in the project documents. You can configure the way RMTrak identifies this information using the Tag Identification option. When RMTrak pulls a requirement into the database, it also pulls the requirement text. You can configure the way RMTrak recognizes requirement text using the Requirement Termination option. Most requirement processes require each document to have a unique number and revision. Through the Document Number and Revision options, RMTrak supports multiple formats for identifying unique document characteristics. Whether your organization needs reports to be available on the Web or in PDF format, getting it there won’t be a problem thanks to the option to output in HTML or Microsoft® Word format. RMTrak’s Options dialog, available from the Setup menu, lets you configure tagging, requirements, documents, and output formats of reports.
Attributes Setup Attributes Setup Attributes, which you add to the tags placed in your documents, are used to specify information about a requirement. By adding attributes to your requirements, you can trace requirements' information, such as test status. RMTrak's default attributes include attributes common to product development requirements. These default attributes can be added to, edited, or deleted at any time using the Attributes Setup Manager available from the Setup menu. If your company wants to add attributes such as risk, cost, importance, etc., RMTrak lets you do this easily. You can add, modify, or delete attributes in the Attributes Setup Manager, available from RMTrak’s Setup menu. The properties of each attribute let you specify a rule so RMTrak can tell you if your document uses an invalid attribute with any tag. If you make an attribute persistent, instead of placing the attribute within the requirement’s tags, you can set them in the Allocation view.
Configuration options allow for seamless integration: Setting up document types You’ll assign a document type to each document from within RMTrak. You can do this as you import it into the project, or later, from the Setup menu. RMTrak provides several default document types common to product development you can assign to your documents; however, these default document types and their characteristics can be added to, edited, or deleted at any time using the Document Types setup manager available from the Setup menu. Using the Setup menu, you can specify the characteristics of the document, such as whether it’s a “terminal” document (where the requirements are tested and possibly resolved as having passed its tests). You can add, modify, or delete document types from the Document Types Setup Manager, available from RMTrak’s Setup menu. The properties of each document type let you specify which attributes the document type uses. When you add a document to RMTrak, you can specify which type of document it is. Depending on how you edited the document type’s properties, RMTrak will recognize the which kinds of attributes to expect for that document’s tags.
Configuration options allow for seamless integration: Using the tag filter To allow more than one project to share documents, RMTrak has a tag filter. The tag filter allows you to keep tags and requirements that belong to another project from entering a project database. Tag Filter Using the tag filter tells RMTrak to only recognize tags that begin with a particular project code (in this case “RATM:”), while ignoring any other project codes. This lets you write requirements intended for separate projects within the same document.
Built-in views Built-in Views RMTrak includes built-in views to help you effectively and easily track and audit your project requirements. Built-in views include: The Matrix view shows selected attributes associated with the document’s requirements. This can be useful when monitoring the completion of an event like testing. The Tree view provides a way to view the hierarchical relationship between requirements and their sub-requirements in a tree-like structure. The Allocation view facilitates simple assignment of requirements to individuals or groups. SQL (Structured Query Language) view allows you to write custom queries against your requirements database. This allows you to access any field in the project’s database quickly and easily.
Built-in views: new view A key feature of RMTrak is the ability to customize requirement views. You can create new views, save views, view saved views, and delete views. This lets you quickly generate views you’ve created in the past without having to re-create them each time. The View Dialog lets you view your requirements in differently organized ways, including Tree, Matrix, Allocation, and SQL views. Views are available from the Views menu in RMTrak.
Built-in views: Matrix view RMTrak’s Matrix view shows selected attributes associated with the document’s requirements. This can be useful when monitoring the completion of an event like testing. You can select which documents and attributes you want to see in your Matrix view. Matrix view
Built-in views: Tree view RMTrak’s Tree view provides a way to view the hierarchical relationship between requirements and their sub-requirements in a tree-like structure. You can select which documents and attributes you want to see in your Tree view. Tree view Double-clicking a requirement in the Tree view shows you detailed information about the requirement.
Built-in views: Allocation view RMTrak’s Allocation view facilitates simple assignment of requirements to individuals or groups. You can also use the Allocation view to manage requirement attributes instead of putting them in documents. This lets you use RMTrak to switch attributes at the click of a button. You can select which documents and attributes you want to see in your Allocation view. Allocation view Attributes that are configured to be “Persistent” can be changed in the Allocation view.
Built-in views: SQL query RMTrak’s SQL (Structured Query Language) view allows you to write custom queries against your requirements database. This allows you to access any field in the project’s database quickly and easily. You can type SQL commands to query the project’s database. SQL view
Pre-packaged and custom reports RMTrak comes pre-packaged with the most commonly used reports. Additionally, RMTrak provides the ability to create custom reports to meet your specific needs or process. Reports are available from the Reports menu in RMTrak. Reports can be output in Microsoft® Word documents or HTML format. Types of reports: The Orphans report shows requirements for which a parent does not exist in the document. The Childless report shows requirements that have no subordinates in the database. The Suspect report shows requirements that have not been refreshed and whose parents have not been modified. The Unallocated report identifies requirements that do not have a valid value assigned to specific attributes. The Requirements Summary report shows requirements and their related sub-requirements. The Closure report provides testing information about requirements. Prometeo Technologies can easily create custom reports for your organization. Contact Prometeo Technologies (sales@rmtrak.com) for more information.
Pre-packaged and custom reports: Details and history Double-clicking a requirement in any report shows you detailed information about the requirement (above). Click History to view the requirement’s creation/modification history. Click Goto to visit the requirement in its document. Orphan requirement history showing dates and creator names.
Pre-packaged reports: Orphans report Pre-packaged reports: Orphan report RMTrak’s Orphans report shows requirements for which a parent does not exist in the document. The Orphaned Requirements dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you see which requirements are orphaned. Double-click an orphan to view detailed information about it.
Pre-packaged reports: Childless report RMTrak’s Childless report shows requirements that have no subordinates in the database. The Childless Requirements dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you see which requirements are childless. Double-click a childless requirement to generate a report about it.
Pre-packaged reports: Suspect report RMTrak’s Suspect report shows requirements that have not been refreshed and whose parents have not been modified. The Suspect Requirements dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you see which requirements are suspect. Double-click a suspect requirement to see detailed information about it.
Pre-packaged reports: Unallocated report RMTrak’s Unallocated report identifies requirements that do not have a valid value assigned to specific attributes. The Unallocated Requirements dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you generate a report. Click OK to generate the Unallocated report. The Unallocated report lists unallocated requirements for the document and attribute you selected.
Pre-packaged reports: Requirements Summary report RMTrak’s Requirements Summary report shows requirements and their related sub-requirements for any chosen document and its children documents. The Requirements Summary dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you generate a report. Click OK to generate the Requirements Summary report. The Requirements Summary report can be output in a Microsoft® Word document (shown here) or HTML format.
Pre-packaged reports: Closure report RMTrak’s Closure report provides testing information about requirements. The Closure Report dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you generate a report about which requirements have successfully passed their tests. To create a Closure report, RMTrak will verify that each requirement has the correct ownership, test status, test method, and test date attributes. You can use the default attributes or tell RMTrak which custom attributes you have been using. The Closure report can be output in a Microsoft® Word document (shown here) or HTML format.
Pre-packaged reports: Change reports RMTrak’s many different Change Reports allow you to view the attribute and requirement changes and the requirement additions and deletions that have occurred within the database. The Change Report dialog, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu, lets you generate a report a change report. Click OK to generate the Change report.
Custom reports Custom reports Prometeo Technologies can quickly create custom-report formats for you to install and use. Custom report formats can help your organization to meet its specific needs. You can add custom reports to RMTrak using the Add-In ReportManager, available from RMTrak’s Reports menu.
Please contact Prometeo Technologies to discuss 19 Simpson Road Windham, NH 03087 617.913.0879 sales@rmtrak.com www.RMTrak.com Please contact Prometeo Technologies to discuss Custom programming options available for RMTrak The functionalities of RMTrak in greater detail How RMTrak can fit into your existing development environment Any questions you may have regarding RMTrak How RMTrak can help your organization succeed!