Introduction to Costing with PPM Amanda Oliver 2008 PPM User Conference
Slide 2 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Overview 1.Features 2.Navigation 3.General Ledger Processes 4.ETVL Processes 5.Patient Costing
Slide 3 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Features Java application, browser-based client Embedded integration engine Embedded business rules engine Reporting integrates with other applications Easy and open access to all data Web-based reporting and data analysis OLAP functionality and SMS alerts.
Slide 4 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Navigation - Logging On
Slide 5 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Navigation – Screen Map Current user Menu bar Current Function Function Menu Current COA & GL Status bar Screen area Screen buttons Tab functions
Slide 6 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference 3. General Ledger Processes
Slide 7 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference GL Cost Allocation Centered around Chart of Accounts Allows users to define hospital-wide standard costing rules Hospital financial information Statistical information ― allocating dollars from overhead (non direct patient care areas) to patient care areas Enables detailed exceptions to the standards when desired Finalised General Ledger suitable for patient costing (matching dollars to patient activity) Built-in reconciliation and audit reports.
Slide 8 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference General Ledger Import financial information Cost Centres, Accounts, General Ledger Import statistical data (overhead allocation) Bed Days, Admissions, FTE, Floor Area, Cleaning Time, etc Set up Cost Allocation rules Non-Standard Cost Definitions (exceptions) Reclass Rules (move GL values) Define Allocation Statistics and Assign Statistics Roll-up Cost Outputs (if required) Validate GL setup data Run Validation processes to check integrity of table data Run GL cost allocation.
Slide 9 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Importing Data - Workshop 1.Select Import at bottom of Cost Centre Definitions screen. 2.Click … to browse for import file. 3.Specify a reject file name and location. 4.Data import: comma delimited with 1 header lines to skip, and “” as a text Qualifier 5.Fields pertaining to overwriting existing Cost Centre Definitions set to Always.
Slide 10 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Importing Data - Workshop 1.Select Import at bottom of General Ledger screen – allows 1-3 import files 2.Click on ellipsis to browse for import file 3.Specify a reject file name and location 4.Data import: comma delimited with 1 header lines to skip, and ”” as a text qualifier.
Slide 11 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Setup Validation - Workshop 1.Tick Run boxes for processes Select Run 3.View Report for Cost Centre Definitions 4.In Cost Centre Definitions screen enter details for new Cost Centre 5.Tick Run box for process 1 and select 6.Tick Run boxes for process 7.
Slide 12 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference 4. ETVL Processes
Slide 13 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference ETVL Module Processes data from various information systems into PPM patient database Data used by Patient Cost Allocation module to allocate dollar amounts from General Ledger Module Patient Activity matched to dollars from providing Patient Care Area Detailed patient costing.
Slide 14 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference ETVL Extraction Import data from source systems Transformation Perform any necessary data transformation Validation Ensure data quality Data Load Loads and links data into PPM data repository.
Slide 15 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Create New Interface No limit to number of Interfaces that can be implemented Sites decide what constitutes a separate interface Data Junction translations are written for each interface.
Slide 16 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Extraction and Transformation No pre-specified import format ETVL performs all required field calculations ― OBDs calculated from Ward Transfer file Allows users to compare imported values internal reference tables ― ICD-10 Logic to link external feeder system data to episode of care.
Slide 17 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Extracting Data - Workshop 1.From Interface drop down menu, select 2. Patient Data Load 2.Select Run 3.Select Audit and view results.
Slide 18 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Validation Two types of validation rules: Formula User-defined formula that combines logical and conditional flows Reference table Values for a given field checked against values stored in reference table.
Slide 19 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Define data fields as critical or non-critical for reporting purposes Review expected results for a single patient during setup Validate data against internal reference tables Validation Rules
Slide 20 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Load - Episode Matching
Slide 21 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Loading Data - Workshop 1.In Load data tab, select Load. 2.View results displayed on screen.
Slide 22 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Scheduler Automate various processes within PPM Set up queue of batch jobs in pre-defined order Run queue manually, or automatically at specified times Monitor progress of queue while running Review log of jobs.
Slide 23 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference 5. Patient Cost Allocation
Slide 24 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Patient Cost Allocation Module Brings together data from ETVL and General Ledger Modules Patient activity from ETVL matched to dollars from providing Patient Care Area in General Ledger Detailed and flexible cost allocation methodologies Weights and volumes Integrated reconciliations between General Ledger and Patient Cost Allocation processes.
Slide 25 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Patient Costing Define and map Service Codes Patient Database Configurations Build Patient Database Allocate Costs Calculate Weighted Activity Reports.
Slide 26 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Database Configuration Database Filter Define filters for the database: Date ranges for episode and service data Patient types Specific hospitals.
Slide 27 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Database Configuration DRG Weight File Data imported via CSV file Allows for DRG weights to have an effective date range Manage situations where weight changes occur during financial year Only needs to be imported into PPM once.
Slide 28 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Database Configuration Detailed Weight File Data imported via CSV file Allows for Detailed Weights against individual Service Codes within various patient care areas Internal weight studies Allows effective date ranges.
Slide 29 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Allocated by Cost Outputs For each cost output defined in GL process, a volume and allocation statistic can be defined These default rules are applicable for each Cost Output across all Areas, UNLESS exceptions to these rules have been defined in Allocate by Patient Care Area Allocate by Detailed Definition Useful as default to allocate expenditures from an area that cannot be costed otherwise due to lack of activity.
Slide 30 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Allocated by Cost Outputs
Slide 31 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Allocated by Patient Care Area Optional screen Overrides Allocated by Cost Outputs Each Patient Care Area can have Volume and Weight measure assigned Useful when an entire Area is costed the same across all Cost Outputs Eliminates entering significant amount of details when unnecessary.
Slide 32 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Allocated by Detailed Definition Optional screen Overrides Allocated by Patient Care Area and Allocated by Cost Outputs Enables defining of standard allocation rules for each Patient Care Area and Cost Output combination: Most detailed costing methodology level.
Slide 33 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Weighted Activity 1.Select Report Select Costing Reconciliation by Area 2.View how results link back to GL Cost Allocation 3.Reports: Costing Reconciliation by Area Weighted Activity Reconciliation Unweighted Activity Reconciliation Patient Cost by Area Weighted activity by Cost Output Average Cost per Service Code.
Slide 34 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Weighted Activity Report Average Cost Per Service Code
Slide 35 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Identify unusual cases to determine why high costs incurred for such a short length of stay Filter to exclude factors such as patients transferred to another organisation or deceased discharge status Outputs – Digital Dashboard LOS $10,000
Slide 36 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Outputs – Digital Dashboard
Slide 37 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Outputs – Executive Reporting
Slide 38 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Conclusion GL Process Import financial and statistical data Setup cost allocation rules including reclass rules and non-standard cost definitions Allows for GL setup validation ETVL Process No pre-specified import format ETVL performs all necessary calculations Logic to link external feeder systems data to correct episode of care.
Slide 39 PowerHealth Solutions 2008 PPM User Conference Conclusion Patient Cost Allocation Define Service Codes and mappings Filter database: specific date ranges of episode & service data patient types and/or specific hospitals Define specific cost allocation rules by ― cost output, patient care area or detailed definition Detailed weighted activity reports easily generated.