To access emails on type in address bar as shown here : and press enter key
To access emails on one has to type address in the address bar as shown above and press enter
Now type your email id given by Attalim Office as Username and the initial Password “temp52” (shown in red)
After entering your email id and password for the first time, a new window as shown above will open. Now change password (shown in red) as instructed.
After changing the password and following the other instructions as shown in the window, click on the button (shown in red)
Now one can see a new window as shown above and click on the email from M Yusufbhai Ghadiyali (shown in red) for updating contacts in their address book.
After clicking on M Yusufbhai‘s email, one will see window as shown above. Click on the link (shown in red) to download the .csv file on your computer for updating your contacts in your email account.
Now download the .csv file as shown in the dialog box
And one can rename the file while saving it.
Now click on Import (shown in green) to update your contacts.
Now click on Browse button (shown in red) to locate the Now click on Browse button (shown in red) to locate the .csv file you have saved
Then click on the Import Contacts link (shown in green). After locating the file (shown in red), click on Open button (shown in pink). Then click on the Import Contacts link (shown in green).
If one cannot see the message as above, After clicking on the import contacts button one can see the message displayed as above (shown in red). If one cannot see the message as above, then repeat the steps 11 and 12 to import contacts
Window showing list of contacts after the import is complete in one’s email account.