LiberRATE Estimating It thinks like you do! Edition 3 Instructions Click on buttons to advance or to repeat the previous slide PreviousNext
LiberRATE Estimating So what is LiberRATE ? LiberRATE is a cost estimating system that is very easy to use – you can be up and running in less than ninety minutes! LiberRATE will help you control costs and make more profit!
LiberRATE Estimating LiberRATE is specifically designed for Minor Works projects - Construction and all Sub-Trades Construction and all Sub-Trades External works and Landscaping External works and Landscaping Shop and Office Fitting, etc. Shop and Office Fitting, etc. In fact, any trades where Materials, Labour, Plant and Sub-Contractors are the chief Resource Components!
LiberRATE Estimating With LiberRATE you create a Job and control all of your Resource costs, Labour hours and Profits from a single easy to use screen You can duplicate any Job and use this to submit variations on a tender Tendering for any Job has the same basic principles:
Costs calculated by quantity of Item PlantMaterialsLabourSub- Contractors Build up a Job by adding Resource Items Margin added per Item Total Price of Job calculated Tender submitted!
LiberRATE Estimating With LiberRATE you’ll see that once you’ve built up a cost estimate for a Job, you will never have to build it up again. Jobs can be saved in a”LIBRARY” until you need them – saving you hours of work!
LiberRATE Estimating And with LiberRATE you’ll be able to print out professional reports such as quotes, Bill of Quantities, collated Materials, Labour required, and many, many more! These reports can also be exported electronically to a spreadsheet, another database or a Project Management package!
LiberRATE Estimating LiberRATE has two main screens - The Job Screen The Job Screen The Items Screen The Items Screen
The Job Screen This is where you create and manage Jobs – here you set mark-ups and review overall costs Let’s look at an example of a typical Job Screen
Job Screen
Job Description and Details Start by naming the job and, if required, indicating approximate start and end dates of the project. Comments can be also added such as client name and any other important details. Job Screen
Resource Mark-Ups Set Default Mark-Ups for your resources: Materials, Labour, Plant and Sub- Contractors. These defaults are used to give an overall mark-up but can be overridden by a particular resource item that you’ve specified. Job Screen
Default Labour Rate and Working Hours per Day The Default Labour Rate allows you to set a minimum rate for labour. However specialist tasks can be added to the job using different rates as required. Working Hours per Day can be specified to take into account summer or winter working, or perhaps difficult conditions. Job Screen
Cost Totals for Resources Resource costs are broken down into Materials, Labour, Plant and Sub- Contractors. Profit is shown for each resource and gives total for items using the Default Mark-Up and those using a different mark-up specific to those particular items. Job Screen
Provisional Sums in Job Job Screen
Total Man-Days for Job Total Man-Days are calculated from the total of all the tasks in the job against the Default Working Hours per Day. Job Screen
Cost Total for Job Job Screen
PROFIT for Job ! Job Screen
The Items Screen The Items screen is where you build up the list of tasks and their costs that make up a Job, in order to calculate the Bill of Quantities. You can create new Items or you can easily bring in Items from your Library. Each Item Screen has 5 components as follows:
Items Screen Components Item Description and Quantity Item Description and Quantity Materials Materials Labour Labour Plant Plant Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractors - Let’s look at these screens in more detail
Items Screen Components Item Description and Quantity Item Description and Quantity Materials Materials Labour Labour Plant Plant Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractors
Item Description Item Resources or Components Jobs are built up from lists of such Items Resource Cost Totals for Item Quantity, Cost, Man- Days Items Screen
Items Screen Components Item Description and Quantity Item Description and Quantity Materials Materials Labour Labour Plant Plant Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractors
Materials required for this Item Including “waste” if required Cost per unit Material Cost of Materials for this Item Quantities and Units of Materials for this Item Total Materials Cost shown in Resource Totals Items Screen
Items Screen Components Item Description and Quantity Item Description and Quantity Materials Materials Labour Labour Plant Plant Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractors
Labour required for Item Quantity and Rates of labour for Item Costs of Labour for this Item Total Labour Cost shown in Resource Totals Items Screen
Note: this Labour Task is using the DEFAULT Rate – from the Job screen Note: this Labour Task is using a LIBRARY Rate Items Screen
Items Screen Components Item Description and Quantity Item Description and Quantity Materials Materials Labour Labour Plant Plant Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractors
For Plant and Sub-Contractors, the screens are of exactly the same format and have the same functions as those for Materials and Labour Items Screen
Adding Items from a Library We’ve seen the basic build up for a single Item on the Items screen Now you’ll see how if you’ve built up something once, you will never have to build it up again Here we will add an Item that’s already in the Library
Return to the Job or open a new one Items Screen
Add new Item to Job by Selecting from Library Items Screen
Select Category from List Selected Category appears Select from Library Screen
You then have a series of options to determine how this Task is added to the Job Select from Library Screen
Enter the final quantity for the item. Note that the original quantity was for 39.9m² - the new quantity is for 53m² Select from Library Screen
Item added to list. Quantity and Costs are adjusted to new value – for ALL Resources I.e. Materials, Labour, Plant and Sub- Contractors - used in this Item. Items Screen
Instantly you have the correctly resourced Item brought into your schedule! In addition to the Items Library there are four Resource LibrariesMaterialsLabourPlantSub-Contractor Adding Items from a Library
Resource Libraries can be created manually or imported electronically The next screen shows you a typical view of the Materials library The Resource Libraries
To find quickly search using a “hotkey”: type the first few letters of a required Resource – for example “BRI…” - and the LiberRATE search engine will bring up a list of Resources that match Resource Library Screen
Changing rates in libraries will not automatically update your Job – unless you want to! Choose only the Jobs you want to update Supplier discounts can be applied to rates in the resource library A waste factor % (to allow for breakage etc.) can be also applied if required Resource Library Screen
Pack size for Materials can be stored in the Library for calculation of FULL packs required by your Job. LiberRATE will advise you on allowances to make so that you quote for, and order, the correct number of packs. Resource Library Screen
A date is created against each resource added to the Resource Library. Also the “Last Modified” date will enable you to see when you updated the cost. Resource Library Screen
Import electronic supplier lists - new import will not overwrite discounts so you can update each year electronically. Update the cost of selected resources by a % chosen by you. Export to an Excel file for updating and re- importing. Resource Library Screen
More Features of the LiberRATE System There are numerous features of LiberRATE which will make your estimating time much more productive and efficient. Very briefly these are some of the other features in the system…..
Multi-user functionality Your Jobs and Library databases will have multi-user capability If you are on a network your entire team or organisation will be able to use the same Library and Jobs database
Frequency Based Estimating Ideal for Frequency based or repeated Tasks such as building management and maintenance, grounds and landscape management, facilities management, road and railway maintenance, etc Calculate costs for one occasion then add Frequency per week, month, annum or any other period LiberRATE will produce Frequency based estimating and procurement information for the Tasks
Costs calculated per occasion Frequency function allows for any number of repeats of this Task And calculates TOTAL cost for ALL occasions Items Screen
Bill of Quantities Import Import Bill of Quantities electronically Export in same format Saves hours of re-typing!
Security Login only approved user(s) User can only access Jobs designated appropriate to their level - set who can see a particular job Set which users can administrate the Libraries
Take Off Pads to calculate and store your measurements Take Off pads record your measurements or calculation for future reference. No limit in the amount of Take Off pads you can use in any Task. Take Off pads against each Material resource Take Off pads as above against each Plant resource
LiberRATE Estimating It thinks like you do! For more information or to order your 45 day free trial copy Please visit our website Or telephone Close