SOUTH BRAZIL BIGHT Pontal do sul, Brazil, 2013 André Pereira Cattani
Study area – frame and graticule
Study area – from GEBCO Lite
Bathymetric contours and coastline
Sediment Thickness
Resampling Gridded Data with a "Dummy" Grid
Administrative Boundaries, Coastline and Bathymetric contours
Cutting a Shape to the Project Map Extent in Saga
Obtaining Area-Specific Marine Data from the World Ocean Database
Creating ODV Collections from WOD Data
Creating Marine Data Station Plots in ODV
Creating Marine Data Scatter Plots in ODV
Creating Marine Data Section Plots in ODV
Creating Marine Data Section Plots in ODV – gridding points
Falar das possibilidades do subset Creating Marine Data Section Plots in ODV – timeline X axis
Converting a Data Table to a Points Shape in Saga from HDF view
Gridding Points Shapes in Saga – From HDF view 0.01; 1000x 1000y; x 1; 10x 10y; -49.5x -31.5y
Import clorophyll data – From HDF view Clorophyll (mg/m 3)
Plotting Vector Arrows from U and V Component Grids with Saga January Currents July Currents
Creating Vector Contours from Grids: GEBCO 08 Shelf Estimations
Interface area from IDV
Projecting study area from IDV to Google Earth
Primary Productivity data from IDV Source: NASA Aqua MODIS, 4.4 KM, Global, EXPERIMENTAL
SST data from 26/11 to 02/12 - GHRSST Source: GHRSST - JPL
Current vectors forecast from 26/11 to 02/12 - HYCOM Source: HYCOM THREDDS, Global 1/12 degrees
Current vectors + SST