Area Ministry in the Diocese of California
Area Ministry in Diocal What exactly IS “Area Ministry”?
Area Ministry :: ancient :: modern
Area Ministry :: ancient / modern ✤ Recalls the ancient catholic understanding of “parish” as a geographical designation ✤ A contemporary mission strategy that envisions an area as a consortium of congregations, institutions, people and the earth itself ✤ A future-oriented mission strategy that will create fresh expressions of church, invigorate existing ministries, and reflect the rich diversity of the Bay Area
Area Ministry :: primarily but not exclusively geographic
Area Ministry :: primarily but not exclusively geographic ✤ could include urban/suburban partnerships ✤ could involve cultural or language-specific ministries in several areas of diocal ✤ edges of the area can be porous :: possible collaborations with other areas or other churches or institutions
Area Ministry :: ministry of all
Area Ministry :: ministry of all ✤ The baptismal covenant as the basis for ministry ✤ A partnership of Bishop, priests, deacons and laity ✤ A collaborative approach to ministry that frees us from parochial isolation and competitiveness ✤ A movement from scarcity to abundance
Area Ministry :: the ingredients
Area Ministry :: the ingredients ✤ Willing partners ✤ Diocesan oversight and support ✤ Commitment to cooperative planning and ministry ✤ Desire for growth and fresh expressions of church ✤ Desire for becoming as diverse as the area ✤ Commitment to spiritual growth and transformation ✤ Creativity, risk-taking, and a sense of adventure
Area Ministry :: how it works
Area Ministry :: how it works ✤ Areas are identified ✤ Congregations and others are invited into area ministry ✤ Area ministry partners create a steering committee to work with diocesan leaders in planning and oversight ✤ Team agrees on formative “Rule of Life” ✤ Needs are identified; formation and training commence ✤ One or more opportunities for “fresh expressions” of church are identified for the area ministry
Area Ministry :: how it works ✤ Planning and implementation of shared ministries ✤ Continual evaluation and analysis ✤ Continued growth and fresh expressions
Area Ministry :: resources
Area Ministry :: resources ✤ Partnership with CDSP in the Living Stones coalition ✤ Ministry development resources (including LifeCycles and EFM) ✤ Community organizing training ✤ Specialized training ✤ Community resources
Area Ministry :: other information
Area Ministry :: where does it start? ✤ When there is widespread transition in clergy leadership in the churches of an area ✤ Where considerable population growth is occurring ✤ Where there are existing cooperative ministries ✤ Where there are other factors supportive of area ministry
Area Ministry :: initial areas ✤ East Contra Costa County ✤ Berkeley/Albany/Richmond/Pinole ✤ North of Market, San Francisco ✤ South of Market, San Francisco ✤ Oakland
Area Ministry in Diocal The aim of Area Ministry ::
New, Renewed and Reimagined Mission and Ministry in the Diocese of California
Area Ministry in the Diocese of California :: Q and A
Area Ministry for more information, contact the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe diocal. org