Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators April 2014 Tips for Candidates Attempting the Clinical Exam — Part Two of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) April 2014
Before the Exam…
Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators April 2014 Pre-exam Prep Preview the Alliance website Preview the PCE Candidate Video Go Through the Candidate Registration Package Registration Letter Entry Certificate — Clinical Component General Information for Candidates Rules of Conduct Reminder to Canadian Graduates Reminder to Candidates — What to Bring
On Exam Day…
Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators April 2014 During Orientation Listen carefully to the orientation. Ask any questions you may have. Before Entering the Station Carefully read the station instructions. Use your notebook to write down key information to remember. Return your notebook at the end of the exam. This information will not be marked.
During Approved Break Times Use the washroom as you may have to wait.
Once You Have Entered the Station…
Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators April 2014 Start each station by scanning the room. Note the equipment that is or is not provided. Note the standardized client’s position and appearance. Check your plan in your notebook and adjust it if necessary. Locate the station instructions for referral if necessary.
Do what is asked. Unless the instructions state otherwise, assume that you have consent. Focus on the requested task: it is better to do a few things well than try to do too much and do it poorly. There are no trick stations; we want you to do well.
If the examiner tells you to re-read the instructions, ask yourself… Are you working on the wrong side or the wrong body part? Are you doing an assessment when you should be treating or treating when you should be assessing? Have you missed one or two important words in the instructions?
If you have trouble in a station… Do the best you can. Take a deep breath at the end and leave the station behind you.
Follow infection control practices. Use hand sanitizer before contact with a standardized client.
The written station is worth 50% of your mark for a couplet station. Write legibly. Erase or cross out answers that you change. Number your responses. Spelling does NOT count. Good written station answers can save a poor performance in the clinical part of the station.
When Speaking in a Station…
Communication is important. Use everyday language when you are in the station. If you tend to speak quickly, slow down, pause frequently, and check that the standardized client understands. If the instructions say “describe to the examiner…” or “tell the examiner…,” you must say this requested information out loud to get credit.
Explain what you are doing and why. Explaining helps you stay focused and helps the standardized client understand what you want. Explaining helps the examiner understand what you are doing. When you are observing (e.g. posture or gait), you must say what you are doing.
Interacting Well with the Standardized Client…
Treat the standardized client like a real patient. Be sure the standardized client is safe at all times. Be sure you treat the standardized client professionally.
Remember Read Plan Scan Demonstrate Communicate