Theatre in Hungary
Hungary didn’t have official theatre before the enlightenment (18th century). In the 16th century, there were liturgical plays (Passion, Nativity). They were mostly conversations.
In the reign of Maria Theresa there were mostly German theatres. In Hungary there were mostly travelling theatres because the country didn’t have many theatre buildings.
The rising of Hungarian drama and drama literature is thanked to Bessenyei György and Csokonai Vitéz Mihály.
The first troupe was founded by Kelemen László. Six years after the foundation the troupe was splitted up by an insurrection. The 2nd troupe was working from 1807 to The plays were mostly German, performed in Hungarian language. Since 1815 the Hungarian drama reached out of the capital to other towns. In 1837 the first Hungarian Theatre of Pest was founded, which is called now day’s National Theatre. It is located in Budapest and it has working ever since.
National Theatre of Miskolc When the troupe of Kolozsvár travelled to Miskolc the citizens loved them and decided to build a stone theatre. It was finished in The first building was destroyed by a conflagration in The new building that sand till nowdays was buit in 1847.
The National Theatre of Miskolc
Some famous actresses. Laborfalvy Róza Déryné Széppataky Róza Jászai Mari Blaha Lujza Fedák Sári Bajor Gizi Karády Katalin
Hungarian Theatre of Pest
National Theatre
Temesvár, Ferenc József Theatre
Kolozsvár, Hunyadi Theatre