Financing higher education and research Lennnart Ståhle
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Financing Governace and control
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Four modes of financing higher education 1.Private, no public funding, tuition fees 2.Private, basic public funding, tution fees/non- paying students 3.Private, public funding, free education, possibility to take fees 4.Public, state funding, free education, possibility to take fees
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Quality control/accreditation Of institutions of Higher Education Of programmes and courses
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Management by objectives and results The Riksdag decides on central government expenditures and financial parameters for different purposes. The Government directs the authorities and agencies, including state universities and university colleges, on the basis of decisions made by the Riksdag. Formally, the Government exercises control by issuing appropriation directions. The authorities and agencies report back to the Government in their annual reports. The Government reports back to the Riksdag.
1 (1) Finance
1 (1) Finance
1 (1) Undergraduate programmes
1 (1) Undergraduate programmes
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) % of undergraduate education is funded from public sources No tuition fees Accreditation of degrees (programmes and courses that could en in a degree) Freedom for higher education institutions to decide about courses
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Higher education institutions in Sweden 36 state institutions = formally government agencies 14 universities 13 university colleges 7 colleges of art 1 college for sport 1 college for defense
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Public institutions Accredtitation to award degrees according to the Swedish law Public funding No fees
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Higher education institutions in Sweden 14 independent institutions = owned by foundations or other legal bodies Non-profit Have the right to award degrees acccording to the Swedish law Public funding (education and research contracts) No fees
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Financing education As from 1993/94, the grants voted by the Riksdag for higher education is calculated on the number of FTE student and FTE study result, using special revenues decided by Government. Freedom for institutions to decide about courses. Programmes which lead to a professional degree must be accreditated by The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education.
1 (1) Undergraduate programmes
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) The Government specifies the maximum appropriation (ceiling amount) that can be paid to each higher education institution in any fiscal year for FTE students and FTE study results. The Government also sets the level of revenue per FTE student and FTE study result for the different fields of study. Where artistic programmes are concerned, the appropriation directions issued to each institution of higher education also indicate the maximum number of FTE students that the institution is entitled to deduct for in each field of study. The higher education institutions decide on how the revenues earned (the grant) are to be used for the different programmes and different types of courses etc.
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Financing research Research funded from public funds is to 95% carried out at HEI. In the costs for research are the costs for research education included. A majority of the research and research education take place at the universities.
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) The Higher Education Act states that the following general principles shall apply to research: Research problems may be freely selected, research methods may be freely developed and research results may be freely published. Funds for research and doctoral studies are allotted separately from the funds allotted for other higher education. The Government/Riksdag are responsible for the general distribution of appropriations to the areas of research and for the distribution to each institution.
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Finance
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Research
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Research
Ange titeln på din presentation här… 1 (1) Research: Proposed Changes Allocation more dependant on quality and performance = ability to attract external funding and publications Stronger link between education and research= 8000 sek/FTE in undergraduate education is reserved for improving reserach and education.