E12 Vocabulary review – look at the picture and guess the word! (silently and in your head first, and then as a class) Unit 10
Enclave, Forte, Schism, or Gratis?
Condescend, Mountebank, Ancillary, or Quizzical?
Ancillary, Cozen, Icon, or Enclave?
Forte, Cozen, Quizzical, or Gratis?
Forte, Schism, Cozen, or Mountebank?
Forte, Quizzical, Condescend, or Icon?
Ancillary, Gratis, Condescend, or Enclave?
Gratis, Icon, Forte, or Cozen?
Quizzical, Condescend, Schism, or Icon?
Gratis, Forte, Enclave, or Mountebank?