Sociological Abstracts Word variants (e.g. labor, labour) Universiteitsbibliotheek verder = klikken
Wildcards / truncation You use wildcards to search for word variants. Most common wildcards: * ? ! # $ Meaning in Sociological Abstracts at the end of a word (= truncation): - * replaces 0,1 or more characters e.g.: patent* finds: patent, patents, patentable, patented. - ? replaces 1 character e.g.: fib?? finds: fiber and fibre In Sociological Abstracts wildcards can also be used in the middle of a word (=masking): e.g.: behavio*r finds: behavior and behaviour Combinations are possible: e.g.: wom?n* finds: woman, women, womens’ and womanhood
An example interview* * replaces 0, 1 or more characters
verbal behavi*r Placing * IN a word is also possible
organi?ation ? replaces 1 character