New BR Mr Spock Mouse-over functions to be considered
Goal: An attractive and educative BattleReport More visualization Step-by-step, not grouped Start/Stop/Pause Set speed while running ”Real-Time” score adjustment Optional: mouse-over shows the corresponding info manual (ships for instance)
User want All users want a cool interface New users want to understand what is happening Experienced users want to see in detail how the strategy worked
Solution Graphical interface Player 1 left side, Player 2 right side Controls along bottom edge Scores and battle order info along top edge c1,c2,c3,c4 visible Number of and type of each ship/building Set speed and start First ship fires/activates, effects are visualized Next ship fies/activates etc. Pause function
Advantages New players get into the game faster Coolness factor of ST rises Even experienced players will understand the battle engine better
Fördelar Sammanfatta det speciella och fördelaktiga med de presenterade nyheterna
Needed info We need a direct feed from the battle engine, not the grouped BR we have today. I don't know how to do this, we need someone to help us. We need a graphics guy (senor?) We need a specification (spock?) We need a script programmer (same guy who helped us with battle engine?)