BOLIVIA SEMINAR Background, objectives and programme Brussels, 8 January 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

BOLIVIA SEMINAR Background, objectives and programme Brussels, 8 January 2015

VLIR - 5 Flemish universities, 16 university colleges Ghent University University of Antwerp Hasselt University KU Leuven Vrije Universiteit Brussel

We support partnerships between universities and university colleges in Flanders and the South looking for innovative responses to global and local challenges

Country Strategy Approach Paris and Accra Declaration Political Agreement VLIR-UOS and CIUF- CUD with Belgian government of 22 April 2010 Geographical concentration ~ 20 countries Country strategies

20 partner countries

Based on country strategies Framework for cooperation 2012: DR Congo, Cuba, Ecuador, Uganda, Tanzania and Vietnam 2013: Ethiopia, South Africa :Suriname and Burundi : Peru, Kenya, Bolivia, India, Morocco, Mozambique, Indonesia and Nicaragua

Framework for cooperation DEMAND STRATEGIC NICHE FOR PROGRAMMING SUPPLY The niche or match between: the Southern ‘demand’ (local needs and priorities) with the Flemish ‘supply’ (offer of expertise and human resources)

Expectations from a Country programme Clear framework – country strategy as guiding context Increase of societal impact Higher visibility of actions and results High level policy dialogue in the country Donor coordination. Specific the Belgian actors : ‘foro de actores belgas’ (joint context analysis/projects) Alignment with local systems Promoting Flemish HE Link with regional initiatives/ spin-offs

From strategy to country programme VLIR-UOS or policy initiated Strategy SelectionProgramme Competitive calls


Strategy identification process Various steps 1.North seminar & interviews 2.Identification mission (9 – 20 Mar.) – South seminar (around 18/3) –Country Mission report (early April 2015) 3.Country Strategy Paper (end of April 2015) 4.Project calls (2015 => start 2016)

Mapping of North interest/ expertise and identifying opportunities for cooperation: 1.Thematic areas 2.Partner institutions/ geographic areas 3.Cooperation modalities North Seminar: objectives

1.Context analysis Mr. A. Zárate, First Secretary Bolivian Embassy Mr. G. Schueremans, DGD Prof. G. Loots and I. Berckmans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Prof. D. Raes (KU Leuven) 2.Discussion round Areas of current activity and opportunities for cooperation North Seminar: programme

Mission team International expert: Bart Delvaux (MDF) National expert: Bernardo Paz (MDF) Bureau UOS: Prof. Janssen VLIR-UOS secretariat: Wannes Verbeeck

Peter De Lannoy Coordinator South