Course KLARA bar codes In English This course will give knowledge in how to get started with KLARA bar codes and what functions that are provided in the module. The course is organized by the Environmental- and Safety unit at KI and teacher is Anders Thorén from Nordic Port. Aim: To give basic knowledge about KLARA, what important functions that are provided in the database and how to perform a KLARA chemical inventory. Target group: All KLARA users, Principal investigators, researchers, PhD students, laboratory and technical personnel, chemical responsible and others that are interested. The course is suitable for beginners. Time: 18th of March at 13.00-16.00 (incl. coffee brake). Place: Lennart Nilsson, Nobels väg 15A (campus Solna). Registration: To at the latest by 12th of March. Questions: To Ulrika Olsson by e-mail or phone 08-52486679. Postadress/Postal address Besöksadress/Visiting address Karolinska Institutet Nobels väg 5 S-171 77 STOCKHOLM SOLNA