ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/03 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Forward detector overview Si-FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector) NBI+INR oSi-strip.


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Presentation transcript:

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Forward detector overview Si-FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector) NBI+INR oSi-strip Ring counters (5) with > channels o-5.1<  < -1.7; 1.7<  < 3.4 oPrecise off-line charged particle multiplicity for A+A, p+p oFluctuations event-by-event, flow analysis V0 (Centrality and collision vertex) Lyon+Mexico o2 arrays of plastic scintillator tiles w. fiber+PMT o-5.1<  < -2.5; 1.7<  < 3.8 oMain LVL0 MinBias for p+p and A+A and centrality trigger A+A oBackground rejection T0 (Beam-Beam Detector) Jyvæskyla + MEPhI, INR, Budker, Kurchatov (presented by W. Trzaska) o2 arrays of 12 Cerenkov radiators + PM tubes o-5<  < -4.5; 2.9<  < 3.3 oFast timing LVL0 signal (  =50ps), online vertex determination oMain time reference and backup for MinBias trigger

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Forward detectors T0 R 2.9 < |  | < 3.3 T 0 for the TOF (< 50 ps time res.) Two arrays of 12 quartz counters. Also backup to V0 SI-FMD Multiplicity and dn/d  1.7 <  < 3.4 and -5.1 <  < -1.7 Silicon strip detector disks (slow readout) V0 1.7 < |  < 3.8 and –5.1 < |  | < -2.5 Interaction trigger, centrality trigger and beam- gas rejection. Two arrays of 72 scintillator tiles readout via fibers T0 L PMD pre-shower det.

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Summary of Progress since Compr. Review 2002 oIntegration oVacuum chamber dim. settled, Be-pipe. oOverall placement and mounting scheme decided near IP oLeft side detectors grouped with PMD, details to be settled. oITS services and cables a problem (background) oSi-FMD oGeometry, segmentation, FEE+BEE->DAQ scheme proposed oMechanical prototyping, FEE prototyping ongoing oT0 oRealistic T0 model constructed, Rad+PM decided oElectronics prototype development ongoing (CFD, T0). oV0 oBaseline design and layout settled oLight collection tests ongoing oTDR oStrategy decided; aim at TDR after summer 2003.

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Integration in ALICE Si-1 Si-2 Si-3 V0-R T0-R

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, CERN Maquette 1:1 Si1 (inner)Si1(outer) V0-R T0-R Absorber ITS-pixels

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-FMD  5 Si-strip rings segmented into channels  Rapidity coverage from ITS (1.7) to 5.1.  Segmentation sufficient for ‘Poisson’ analysis Main Off-line charged particle multiplicity studies Average multiplicity (entropy, stopping) Fluctuations (phase transitions) Flow (termalisation, hydrodynamics) Si3 Si2 Si1

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Mechanical Installation

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si1 mechanics model 1:1 Si detectors Support plate Digitizer card Beam pipe support ring Outer ring still missing

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Left Side: Si2 & Si3 Details of mounting to be finalized

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si rings manufactured of 6” wafers 512 Inner: Rin=4.2 cm Rout=17.2 cm Outer: Rin=15.4 cm Rout=28.4 cm 10x2x512= x2x256= Possible suppliers: Micron, UK Hamamatsu, JP

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Coverage in pseudorapidity Constraints: Vacuum tube outer envelope: 42 mm, Outer radius, ITS, Absorber, cables Background from secondaries(small angles) Design criteria: Largest possible  coverage Largest symmetry left and right Overlap between systems Si1: Out: 1.70<  <2.29 In: 2.01<  <3.40 Si2: Out: -2.29<  <-1.7 In: -3.68<  <-2.28 Si3: In: -5.09<  <-3.68 Vertex shift (10cm): |d  |  0.1 

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Charged particle occupancy including secondaries 20  sectors 512 strips each channels 20  sectors 512 strips each channels 40  sectors 256 strips each channels Have increased number of strips by factor of 2 using ’128 ch VA-prime’ PA chip at practically same cost => average occupancy <1 for most strips! x 2

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Multiplicity resolution

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Primaries/(Prim+Second) Si3 Si2in Si2-outSi1-in Si1-out

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Reconstructed multiplicity. Average and width Background Subtracted All hits reconstructed  1.7  3.4

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Simulations of background from ITS services, cables etc.. Under investigation. Will contribute with additional. Background.

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Hybrid with Viking PA chips VA preamp+shaper: 128 ch Connector(s) for power, control, read-out Other components Hybrid cards contain:  FE–Preampl. chips  Bias voltages distribution  Gate/strobe distribution  Read-out clock distribution  Detector bias connection Si detector

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Front end electronics REQUIREMENTS: Adapted for 5-25pF capacitance (300  m Si, 0.5 cm2: 25pF, 1MIP: e-) Dynamic range: 0-20 MIPS Radiation hardness: >200kRad Peaking time: 1-2  s Low noise (good S/N) High integration Sample/hold and serial read- out, 10 MHz clock Moderate power consumption Simple slow controls and power reg. Affordable cost VA1 prime 2 (Viking-IDEAS): Input capacitance: < 30 pF 0-20 MIPs >1MRad (0.35  m tech.) 1-3  s 475 e- at 25 pF => S/N 20: Mhz clock 1.3 mW/ch Test system available OK

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, FMD RO strategy FMD Segment ON DETECTOR Digital serial links (15-20 m) Digital serial links (15-20 m) Trigger & Slow Ctrl IN CAVERN IN COUNTING ROOM Slow control & Trigger Slow control & Trigger Detector Data Link (50-60 m) Detector Data Link (50-60 m) FMD RCU VA 1 ring: 10/20 segments 2 Digitizers 1 RCU per side 1 DDL per side Full FMD: 70 segments 10 Digitizers 2 RCU’s 2 DDL’s FMD Read-Out and Control Electronics Analog serial link (10 MHz)  0.5 m Analog serial link (10 MHz)  0.5 m VA read-out control VA read-out control Local Controller DDL - INT Slow-Control Interface TTC-RX BOARD CTRL Data receiver FMD Digitizer ALTRO CTRL Read-out CTRL CTRL BSN, 21 Nov 2002

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, FMD FEE test setup BSN, 21 Nov 2002 FMD FEE test CTRL Power Biases Power Biases Clock 10 MHz Clock 10 MHz Trig in ALTRO tester ALTRO CTRL Ext clock Ext trigger Si detector VA Labview DAQ

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-PA-Dig proto tests ALTRO tester Si-strip detector + VA’’ preamp VA’’ read-out controller

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-FMD electronics overview SI-FMD channel count Note: We have increased the number of strips, but use more integrated FE chips – red values are changed. Segments (wafers) Phi sectors Radial strips FE channels VA chips (128 ch/chip) ALTRO chips FMD Digitizers FMD RCU Si1 inner , Si1 outer , Si2 inner , Si2 outer , Si , Total system ,

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Slow Controls Follow main strategy DCS Detector CAEN ? PVSS II Preamps CAEN ? Ethernet Database(s) OPC client DIM client High Voltage Preamps User interface PVSS II HVLV FMD Control room (ACR) [FSM?] Crate Control PCI-CAN? CAEN OPCserver PVSS II OPS client PCI-CAN? CAEN OPCserver PVSS II OPC client DIMserver Digitizers FMD Digitizers PCI-CAN? ? PVSS II OPC client C 2 28/02/03 EE FMD-RCU (PCI? VME?) 20 LV P 2 DDL PCI-Profibus Ethernet is considered as alternative P? ? 10 LVL 0 trig TTC Counting room Cavern In magnet

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Heat dissipation oHeat dissipated by FE electronics of one Si detector ring: VA1’’ preamp chip (128 channels): 235 mW  80 chips = 19 W / ring Read-out electronics and power distribution:  5 W/ring Cooling: air flow between Si detector and support plate radiation from VA chips to support plate active (water) cooling of support plate? Detailed cooling studies (simulations of heat profile) need to be done.

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-FMD timetable (1) AFRONT END (FE) READ OUT ELECTRONICSCompleted 1Demonstrate functionality of conceptual layout of FEE (Viking PA chip, control system, interface to ALTRO test board) April Final choice of VA pre-ampl. chip. RO testJune 1, Test FEE system coupled to sample Si detector. Source and electron beam tests. June 1, Design, construction and test of prototype FMD digitizer card (FMDD), RO test with ’mini’ FMD-RCU October 1, Full Si detector element + electronics chain RO with realistic RCU and DDL link to DAQ. June 1, 2004 BMECHANICS AND INTEGRATIONCompleted 1Full scale model manufactured (Si1)February 1, Cabling and Cooling issues resolvedJune 1, Full integration sequence decidedJune 1, 2003

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-FMD timetable (2) C.SILICON DETECTORCompleted by 1Complete market surveyMay 1, Define final specsJune 1, Place order for prototype with industryJuly 1, Delivery Si-wafer prototypeSeptember 1, Start production of Si-hybrid FEE cardJune 1, Delivery prototype hybridSeptember 1, Si prototype test with FEE and BEE test RO setupDecember 1, Place final order for Si with industryAugust 1, 2004 Pre-assembly test July-Nov 2004 Construction, assembly, test at RHIC 2005 Installation June-Sept 2006

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, V0 detector  Two segmented scintillator hodoscopes on either side of IP Minimum bias trigger: p-p and Pb-Pb Main on-line LVL0 centrality trigger: Pb-Pb Background filter for the dimuon spectrometer Two arm for beam-gas rejection Luminosity control Multiplicity measurement (high occupancy) V0-R Absorber

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Two options for VO tiles  From the MIP through several V0 elements  Fast scintillator from BICRON (BC408) 425 nm maximum emission, 2.1 ns decay constant  Shifting fibers (Y11 from Kuraray) directly on PM XP nm maximum absorption, 476 nm maximum emission  Light yield as a function of: glue or no glue for fixing the fibers (BC600) (-35% difference) Al/Teflon envelope on scintillator (factor 2 gain compared to TiO 2 paint) no reflector on fiber ends (-30% loss compared to Al or Teflon)  Time resolution with threshold discriminator: as a function of elements as a function of the collected light Mexico Megatiles Lyon Indiv. tiles

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, V0 Segmentation  V0-L and V0-R: 5 rings each  Rings 1-4: 30° sectors (12)  Ring 5: 15° sectors (24)  Rings 1-3 are in the dimuon arm acceptance Ring V0LV0R η max /η min  max /  min η max /η min  max /  min 1-5.1/ / /3.42.6/ / / /2.93.8/ / / /2.56.3/ / / /2.19.4/ / / / /20.7

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, V0 Ligth collection test For 1 MIP:  Setup A: light yield: 14 p.e. ; time resolution (  ): 1.6 ns  Setup B Light yield: 34 p.e.; time resolution(  ): 1.2 ns AB WLS COF

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Electronics CTP digitization MB trigger scintillator centrality triggers CTP

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, V0 Triggering  P + P at 7 TeV multiplicity distribution in 4  white: Pythia without transport  Events with at least 1 MIP light grey: Pythia in vacuum light and dark grey: Pythia in AliRoot  Production of secondaries improves the triggering efficiency  eff inel = 84% from V0L*V0R

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Multiplicity in p+p  Multiplicity from Pythia + AliRoot 1000 events Signal in clear Signal + background in dark  Many secondaries due to the setup big effects in rings 1 left/right

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Multiplicity in Pb+Pb  Multiplicity from Hijing + AliRoot 30 events with b = fm  Line = pure signal  Points = signal + background circle: V0L square: V0R  Many secondaries due to the setup big effects in rings 1 left/right

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, V0 Timetable  Construction in 2004/2005 V0L by Mexico V0R by Lyon Electronics by Lyon  Pre assembly test- July- Nov ’04  Final system Commissionning → middle 2005  Installation june-nov ‘06  August ’03: Beam test at CERN  Increase light output to 60 p.e (thicker scintillator) to collect 20 p.e. on PM (thesh. At 10 p.e)  Test full quadrant  September ’03 Compare megatile and indiv tiles => choose unique design.  In depth work on electronics, trigger and RO scheme.

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-FMD, TO,VO TDR time table. oFair amount of written material exists already (T0 100 pgs, Si-FMD 50 pgs, V0 20 pgs) oApril 15. Collect first detector chapters. oJune ’03. Editorial meeting. 1rst draft. oSpring ’03 Si-FMD electronics chain test. oJune ’03 T0 test beam oAugust ’03 V0 test beam oTDR

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Techical Design Report Alice collab list. (5pgs) Summary of contents (2pgs) Table of contents. List of tables and figs.(4pgs) Color pictures of selected det. elements etc. (6pgs) 1. Physics objectives and design considerations T0, V0, Si-FMD trigger, timing, on-line mult, off-line mult, fluct, bgd rejection, overall performance, coverage etc...(10 pgs) 2. Design objectives, mechanical structure, Integration T0, V0, Si-FMD mounting, tolerances, clearances, inst. seq., cooling, cabling... (10pgs) 3. T0 (40 pgs) 4. V0 (40 pgs) 5. Si-FMD (40 pgs) 6. Installation, slow control, DAQ, safety. (10 pgs) 7. Organization(5 pgs) Group org., construction, installation, cost 8. References. (4pgs) 9. Index(2 pgs) (approx. 180 pgs)

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Summary oFWD detectors will supply basic day 1 physics (LVL0 trigger, global reaction information) oFull RO chain defined oConcrete prototyping and industrial bids ongoing oProjects on track oTDR in 2003 oMain open issues: materials budget (bgd), cooling, alignment, analysis chain Si-FMD T0 V0

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Extra’s

ALICE Si-FMD,T0,V0 25/ Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, Si-materials budget oMaterial type and thickness of one Si detector ring: LayerMaterialThickness Interaction length Radiation length Silicon detector Si0.3 mm0.6 · · Hybrid Al 2 O mm2.0 · · FE electronics air + chips 10 mm (mostly air) Support Carbon fibre or aluminium honeycomb 2  0.5 mm C or Al + 10 mm air C: 2.6 · Al: 2.5 · C: 0.5 · Al: 1.1 · Total thickness of one Si ring: C: 5.2 · I 1.8 · X 0 Al: 5.1 · I 2.4 · X 0