Coordinated School Health Programs Schools most pressing issues typically are: improving test scores, funding, and safety. Coordinated school health can positively impact all of those, as well as improve the quality of life for students and staff.
Making the Link… Health + Academics Data Sources: Healthy Kids Learn Better, CDC Making the Connection: Health and Student Achievement, ASTHO/SSDHPER, 2002 Policy Statement on School Health, CCSSO, 2004
Something to Ponder… Think about the students in your school/community What health behaviors compromise their ability to succeed academically? What’s the impact on your school district?
Some common issues… Not enough sleep Hungry, poor nutrition Substance abuse problems Tardiness to class because of smoking Stressed-out Afraid of violence Family/peer problems that occupy their thinking Sick, and don’t have health care available
What often happens in schools… Health-related programs and activities are fragmented No one is fully aware of what others are doing Student’s health needs are unmet
Coordinated School Health Program A planned and coordinated school-based program that is designed to enhance child and adolescent health A framework around which existing and future district- and school-level programs and services can be organized Successful programs usually start small. These programs are built one year at a time, not in a burst of inspiration.
1. School Environment To learn effectively, children must: Feel comfortable and supported Attend a safe, properly functioning school Have minimal distractions We’ve learned that students really pay attention to their physical environment. Research indicates that an attractive, literary-rich environment will have many positive subconscious and conscious affects on the child. Gunnison focus groups with students…
2. Health Education School staff can work together to develop an ongoing approach to help students build health-related knowledge and skills from kindergarten through high school graduation
3. School Meals and Nutrition The Reality: Students often eat one or two meals a day at school We have lots of opportunities to improve the quality of food that children consume in school. We can look beyond the school cafeteria to make improvements. Vending machines Snack policies for classroom parties Using food as a reward
4. Physical Education Physical activity can build self-esteem and leadership skills and reduce stress Brain research indicates a direct correlation between physical activity and a child’s potential to learn. Increased physical activity actually creates more dendrites within the brain cell. Physical activity also provides the brain with increased blood flow and oxygen.
5. Health Services Growing kids require a regular health “maintenance” program, including immunizations, dental checkups, physicals, and eye exams A child’s brain is 225% more active than an adults. In CSH, health services are not an isolated part of the school, but work in concert with all of the other components.
6. Counseling, Psychological, and Mental Health Services The Need: Many students have the added stress of coping with emotional challenges In Kremmling, a recent student survey indicated that virtually ALL students experience some type of stress during the school day. Over 60% indicated that they were extremely stressed..
7. Staff Wellness The Reality: Educators and school staff are important role models. Successful schools have healthy, highly motivated staff with low rates of employee absenteeism Nationwide, 60% of teachers report that they experience high and extremely unhealthy degrees of stress.
8. Parent/Community Partnerships Benefits: A closer working relationship between parents and schools Parents, businesses and community groups, and schools can form powerful coalitions to address health needs of students Corporate sponsorships of schools can be directed toward supporting CSH
Coordinated School Health Programs The Good News! These components already exist in your school/district The Challenge… Coordinating these efforts
How Coordinated School Health Benefits Students Improved student performance and test scores Decreased risky behaviors Reduced drop out rates Less absenteeism Less fighting Improved rates of physical activity Avenue to increase family involvement
Coordinated School Health Helps Schools… Save money Reduce duplication Reduce absenteeism Improve staff morale Reduction in teacher absences Support teacher teamwork
Linking Health and Academic Success Reading and math scores of 3rd and 4th grade students who received comprehensive health education were significantly higher than those who did not receive it.
Linking Health and Academic Success Students with poor nutrition and low levels of physical activity are more likely to be absent and tardy School nutrition services can improve students’ scores on standardized tests
Linking Health and Academic Success Physical activity among adolescents is consistently related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety and stress
Linking Health and Academic Success Intensive PE programs have positive effects on academic achievement even when time for PE is taken from the academic day: Increased concentration Improved math, reading, writing scores Reduced disruptive behaviors
Linking Health and Academic Success Schools with school-based health centers report: Increased school attendance Decreased drop-outs and suspensions Higher graduation rates
What it looks like… There is a system for coordinating health programming: School health coordinator School health teams District-level school/community team
What it looks like… Multiple interventions exist: Policy Instruction Direct intervention Environmental change Role modeling Social support Peer instruction Media
Examples of success from other districts School breakfast programs: Increase learning and academic achievement Improve student attention to academic tasks Reduce visits to school nurse Decrease behavioral problems
Examples of success from other districts Increase Physical Activity: Allocating a substantial proportion of curricular time to physical activity had positive effects on academic performance. (Shepard, 1997) At the school level, build relationships with core teachers to integrate instruction. For example, find ways for kids to get “up and moving” in the reading classroom
Examples of Success from other districts Take a look at the physical environment of the school An improvement in the school’s condition (e.g., from poor to fair) is associated with a 5.5 point improvement in average achievement scores
Examples of success from other districts Develop “positive bonding” with the school. Students who report this bonding are: More likely to remain academically engaged Less likely to be involved with misconduct at school or engage in activities that may put them at risk Blum & Rinehart, 1997; Hawkins et al. 1992, 1999
Examples of success from other districts Take a look at vending machines: Substitute water, 100% fruit juice or milk for soda Pay attention to placement of the machines and limit the amount of time the machines are on Offer healthier choices such as trail mix, granola bars, fruit or nuts.
Examples of success from other districts Adopt district-level policies that promote healthy schools and healthy students Board-adopted policies may be the best way to ensure that health-promoting programs stay in place over time.
The Principal is Key… A major key to the coordination and success of many CSH programs is the school principal. Where plans have succeeded, the principal is a strong leader who promotes a spirit of teamwork. Without the principal’s direction, the program will almost certainly not succeed. “Lessons From the Field”, 2003, CDC
Administrators are looking for something that really works to help all children, and help the profession as a whole. Coordinated School Health will do that. Pat Cooper, Superintendent, McComb, MS