1 SWIS: School Wide Information System
2 What is SWIS? Web-Based Software system used for collecting and summarizing office referrals. Menu Based System Numerical and Graphing of Discipline referrals by: -month -location -type of discipline -time -students involved -teachers
SWIS TM (School-Wide Information System)Defined SWIS TM is a web-based information system for gathering, entering, summarizing, reporting and using office discipline referral information Purpose Improve the ability of school personnel to develop safe and effective educational environments
4 Why SWIS? Efficient Effective Secure Provides useful data for making data- based decisions to improve the climate of the school
Features of SWIS TM Only reports discipline data Major office referrals Minor discipline offences Highly efficient (30 sec per referral) Local control Formatted for decision-making (pictures) Information is available continuously Confidential, secure Can be combined with district data base
How SWIS TM works Data Entry –School Address and Contact –Enrollment/Days per month (ethnicity) –Staff Information –Student Information –Referrals Reporting –Average Referrals per Day per month –Referrals by Problem Behavior –Referrals by Location –Referrals by Time –Referrals by Student –Other Reports
7 How do we get SWIS? Meet 10 requirements: 1)School wide discipline is one of top 3 goals 2)Administrator support 3)Coherent office discipline referral system 4)Referral form consistent with SWIS 5)Behavior Support Team-2X month 6)Behavior Support team agree to training- data based decision making 7)Data Entry Time/Personnel 8)Internet Access 9)3 staff members/building SWIS trained 10)Provide a Facilitator -Contact a SWIS Facilitator to begin the licensing process
8 SWIS Preview Browse to enter username: ebs enter password: ebs ask for current school year to view a year of data