Enhancing the Effectiveness of School Feeding/Nutrition Programmes through Rights-based Approaches A Project Note SCN – Working Group on Nutrition, Ethics.


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Presentation transcript:

Enhancing the Effectiveness of School Feeding/Nutrition Programmes through Rights-based Approaches A Project Note SCN – Working Group on Nutrition, Ethics and Human Rights Rome, 25 February 2007

Outline ► Background ► Proposed Methodologies ►Outputs ►A Programme Assessment Checklist ► Partnerships

Background ►Study: undertake a comparative analysis of school feeding and school-based nutrition programme using human-rights based indicators for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of those programmes. ►Objective: contribute to the capacity of countries to implement effective school feeding and school-based nutrition programmes that meet the needs of vulnerable school aged children. ► Expected output: methodology, plus a set of tools and training materials, for human rights-based assessment and monitoring of social safety net programmes to achieve improved programme implementation and impact in line with human rights principles.

Background ► Rationale School feeding and school-based nutrition programmes are implemented in many countries demanding considerable resources. –SFP have nutritional, health and educational goals –SFP are often part of national safety net and poverty reduction strategies –SFP/nutrition programmes address three human rights: the right to food, the right to education and the right to health ► However, SFP may.. –not always reach needy and vulnerable children –not provide adequate quantity and quality of food –experience leakages and delivery failures –have inadequate participation by the community –provide poor or no information about entitlements –lack adequate accountability mechanisms

Background ► Question: Are SFP that are more compliant with human rights principles more effective than others? ► Human-rights based assessment – what does it add? –Focus on whether: (a) programme implementation processes and impacts are in line with human rights principles, and (b) the legal, institutional and policy environment of the programme facilitate HR approach to SFP –Questions: participatoryAre programme design, implementation, M &E participatory? accountabilityIs there accountability with regard to SFP performance and utilization of resources? non-discriminationIs there equity in the distribution of resources: non-discrimination? Do school meals conform with the nutritional standards set at national level? transparencyIs there transparency in the management, decision making, definition and application of programme entry and exit criteria, and in the administration of SFP resources human dignityAre programme benefits applied in line with human dignity? empowerAre children and parents empowered in the process? Is the programme being implemented in line with the rule of law and are there recourse mechanisms for parents and children to claim entitlements? PANTHER ► PANTHER

Proposed Methodologies ► Short questionnaire to FAO Offices in selected countries ► Programme assessment checklist developed ► Desk review of a number of SFP (national and donor- supported) – 16 countries ► Consultations with key informants and experts on specific issues ►Workshop: validation of synthesis report, proposed normative outputs, identification of in-country capacity strengthening needs [in-country stakeholders, agency partners]

Outputs ► A methodology developed and validated that applies human rights principles in assessing and monitoring SFP ► A synthesis report with findings and conclusions, and a set of rights- based indicators for comparative analysis of SFP ► A methodological reference guide to be used in assessing and monitoring SFP by in-country stakeholders ► A normative handbook for the development and implementation of HR-based SFP ► Materials for capacity strengthening for in-country analysts and monitors

Programme Assessment Checklist ► Focus on human rights-related aspects of the design, implementation and impacts of SFP ► Meant as a reference guide for the assessment of SFP in this project ► Menu – 10 Thematic Modules ▪Food and Nutrition Security Situation ▪Legislative and Budgetary Framework ▪Institutional Framework ▪Normative Programme Basis ▪Social Control Mechanisms ▪Recourse Instruments and Institutions ▪Programme Design ▪Duty Bearers ▪Programme Implementation Processes ▪Programme Impacts

Partnerships ► SFP involve three interrelated ES Rights: Food, Health, Education ► Within FAO: Right to Food Unit, and Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division (AGN) ► Partnerships with UN Agencies ? SCN: Inter-agency advisory group: make it part of the work plan of the WG on Nutrition, Ethics and Human Rights; the WGNEHR could function as an advisory group; validation workshop sponsored by the WGNEHR ► In-Country Partners (Examples) Guatemala: human rights ombudsman office is in the process of finalising a rights- based assessment of school feeding programmes India: mid-day meals – re-contacting people identified in country surveys. We need support. Brazil: CONSEA and Ministry of Education: SFP rights-based assessments

Thank you! ☺