OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Contextual Background Palama to School of Government Road-Map and Progress on Implementation Plan on the Establishment and Launch of School of Government: Plan on the Operationalisation and Consolidation of the School of Government Resourcing the Establishment and Phase Recommendations 2
Background and Context School of Government as a unique proposition Cabinet Decision of 2006: Establish an academy to train and develop the public servants in the administration 2012 Ministerial Pronouncement: The School of Government needs to produce public service cadres that will soldier against maladministration, fraud, corruption and unethical behaviour 2012 National Development Plan: Development of a capable and developmental State. Improve performance of the Public Service – “Staff at all levels have the... experience, competency and support they need to do their jobs” “Formulate long-term skills development strategies...” 2013 State of the Nation Address: 3
PALAMA to School of Government Values and Principles of the Public Administration (Constitutional Responsibility ) The constitutional imperative is to establish a public service and administration that is accountable, transparent, equitable, efficient, effective, corruption-free and responsive to the needs of the citizens of South Africa The public service is therefore underpinned by the following values: High standard of professional ethics Efficient, economic and effective use of resources A development-orientated public administration Provision of services in an impartial, fair and equitable way, without bais Responding to people’s needs and encouraging the public to participate in policy-making Accountable administration Fostering transparency 4
PALAMA to School of Government Public Administration Leadership & Management Academy PALAMA AS IS Public Service Act - Schedule 1 Department – legal status, functional and organisational configuration of a national department: Current practice: Coordinating Body of Training for the Public Service – arranging and overseeing management and development of training by private service providers and higher education institutions (tender process) Facilitator of Training pre and post tender process Outsource Model of Training provision Cost-recovery model based on in-government training contracting by national departments and other levels of government Other Observations by PC on PSA; SCOPA; Auditor-General & Public Service Commission 5
PALAMA to School of Government GOING FORWARD – SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT No more Outsourcing the CORE BUSINESS of Training and Development of Public Service employees House Internal Capacity to develop and manage the public service training and development value chain: curricula design training delivery performance monitoring and evaluation (especially measuring impact) Develop and implement own teaching, training, learning and delivery strategy based on three approaches (complementary in medium to long term): Compulsory Induction and Orientation Customised and selective training and development programmes Comprehensive Massification of training and development 6
PALAMA to School of Government GOING FORWARD – SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT Establishes, Recruits and Develops its own Faculty from seasoned, ethical and principled public servants as facilitators and instructors within and from all levels of government Central location within regional/provincial centres that service the total of government National, provincial and local government; legislatures and councils and public sector institutions 7
School of Government: The Mandate Drawn from the Public Service Act 103, 1994 Provide such training or cause such training to be provided or conduct such examinations or tests to be conducted as the Head of the Institute may with the approval of the Minister decide and may issue diplomas or cause diplomas or certificates to be issued to persons who have passed such examinations National Development Plan also confirms the critical need for human capacity in the public service through training and development of public servants – at all three levels of government 8
School of Government: The Mandate - Functions Provide focus in-service training and professional development support programmes embedded in the public service and administration that focus on: Public administration systems and operations Public administration governance, leadership and management ethos Building a culture of public service Context-based public service training and development of the School of Government will furthermore also focus on: Compulsory Induction to new recruits at all levels Target and customised in-service professional training and development especially for middle to accounting officer levels Research and Benchmarking – world-class outlook 9
School of Government: The Mandate - Functions Context-based public service training and development of the School of Government will furthermore also focus on (continue): Seminar applied knowledge exchange platforms for seasoned and experienced political representatives in legislatures, and senior to executive public servants Legislatures capacity building at all levels of government, especially drawing of seasoned political representatives 10
School of Government: Projected Impact Both customised and massification approaches (example through Induction Programme) to meet initial public service capacity requirements AND build a professional cadre of public servants In the Interim - coordination of targeted training interventions by service- providers through PALAMA HR Connect - a system to determine what skills and competencies gaps of proficiency in the public service sampled 800 thousand from 146 departments Sector Skills Plans indicate that in 10 years 40 per cent of public servants will be new employees The remaining 60 per cent must be up-skilled on a continues basis 11
School of Government: Establishment Phased Implementation Approach from Establishment to Consolidation – The Road Map Establishment and Launch Phase identify all critical facilitators and potential impediments in the establishment of the School of Government (19 February to 21 October 2013) 12
School of Government: Establishment The Road Map - Establishment and Launch Phase Appointment of an Advisory Task Team on the School of Government with a establishment guiding and steering function (appointed & operational 19 February 2013) Prof Job Mokgoro (Chairperson) Prof Itumeleng Mosala Dr Trish Hanekom Ms Gemma Cronin Prof Nomathemba Magi Prof Vil Nkomo Prof Mokobung Nkomo Mr Barry Gilder 13
School of Government: Establishment The Road Map - Establishment and Launch Phase Appointment of a Project Support Manager & Team (by 15 March 2013) Define and Implement Organisational Form and Structure (end March 2013) Define and implement a migration plan for current PALAMA staff 14
School of Government: Establishment The Road Map - Establishment and Launch Phase Establish School Faculty Configuration (core business) – end March 2013 Appoint Strategic Faculty Staff (end May 2013) Identify and appoint Strategic Management Team (end May 2013) Development of strategic in-service training and development programmes, including the transfer of the Ministerial Programme – Compulsory Induction Programme by and to School of Government Faculty (by 14 June 2013) 15
School of Government: Establishment The Road Map - Establishment and Launch Phase Development and approval of the Launch Plan – end March 2013 Launch envisaged October 2013 Development and approval of Marketing, Branding and Communication Programme and Plan – March/ April 2013 Finalise the search plan and approve the location: Central campus requirements for the School - March 2013 requirements for regional centres end April 2013) 16
School of Government: Establishment The Road Map – Operationalisation and Consolidation Plan that determines the strategic functions and systems (AS-IS) to be transferred from PALAMA to the School of Government Finalise, Approve and Implement the Operationalisation and Consolidation Plan for School of Government (in consultation with the Advisory Task Team and by Approval of the Minister) – end of April
School of Government: Establishment to Diversification The Resourcing Plan – Determine and approve budget on cost-drivers on the Establishment Plan (28 February 2013) Allocation of earmarked funds through the Reprioritisation in 2013 PALAMA Budget for establishment 50 per cent of the 1 per cent consolidated personnel Training Budget from national and provincial Training Budgets to off-set both establishment and operational and consolidation costs on the School of Government Budget for the Implementation of the Operationalisation and Consolidation Plan for School of Government (in consultation with the Advisory Task Team and by Approval of the Minister) – end of June