The National School Lunch Program and Our Children’s Health Jenny Pompilio PHE 510 Public Health & Social Justice
Introduction Our Children’s Health Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes Life expectancy National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Origin Subpar nutrition standards Industry ties Emerging movements Obesity- >23 Million (1/3) of US children and teens overweight or obese. - 3 fold increase in childhood obesity btw 1980 & 2000 (?~lax FMNV 1983?). DM expected to affect 40% children born in 2000. Life expectancy predicted to drop for first time since the Great Depression. CAD new study shows children have plaque of 45yo; 100,000 new cases of CAD by 2035 directly attributable to childhood obesity epidemic. Sources: 1. Bibbins-Domingo K., Coxson P., Pletcher M.J., Lightwood J, & Goldman L. (2007). Adolescent Overweight and Future Adult Coronary Heart Disease. New England Journal of Medicine 357(23):2371-2379. 2. Daniels S. et al. 2005. Overweight in Children and Adolescents: Pathophysiology, Consequences, Prevention, and Treatment. Circulation 111: 1999-2012. 3. Olshansky S.J. et al. 2005. A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States in the 21st Century. The New England Journal of Medicine 352(11): 1138-45. 4. Raghuveer, Geetha. 2008. News Release: Obese kids’ artery plaque similar to middle-aged adults. American Heart Association. 5. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 2008. Policy Highlight: Impact of Federal commodity Programs on School meal Nutrition. pp1-3.
A.A. Milne “When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?” “What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?” “I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. “It’s the same thing,” he said.
NSLP History 1946 National School Lunch Act 1966 Child Nutrition Act (Breakfast, Summer, CACNP) 1980 Dietary Guidelines Americans 1983 Foods Minimal Nutritional Value 2002 Farm Act Fruit/Veggie Pilot 2004 Child Nutrition & WIC Reauthorization Act Source: Ralston K., Newman C., Clauson A., Guthrie J. & Buzby J. July 2008. The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. USDA Economic Research Service Report Number 61. Washington, D.C.
NSLP Quick Facts Mission: “promote the health and well-being of the Nation’s children” >100, 000 Schools 28 Million lunches/day 5 BILLION lunches/year 94% of ALL schools (avg. 60% participation in NSLP) Free <130% FPL (49%) Reduced <185% (10%) Sources: 1. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 2008. Impact of Federal Commodity Programs on School Meal Nutrition. 2. Ralston K., Newman C., Clauson A., Guthrie J. & Buzby J. July 2008. The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. USDA Economic Research Service Report Number 61. Washington, D.C.
NSLP participants 48% <10 yrs old Low income children: 2/3 of participants Equal participation white/blacks/Hispanics Free lunch ~single female HOH Low income children are affected more by obesity… Ralston K., Newman C., Clauson A., Guthrie J. & Buzby J. July 2008. The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. USDA Economic Research Service Report Number 61. Washington, D.C.
NSLP & Participant Nutrition Food based vs. nutrient based 1/3 RDA energy, iron, protein, CA, Vit. A & C <1/4 elem. schools meet total fat req. of <30%; <1/3 meet sat. fat req. of <10%* 95% exceed upper limit for Na Vegetable consumption higher, due to potatoes/french fries Studies suggest link btw NSLP and overweight (do not “prove!”) *2005 DGA new fat range 25-35% & added sugars removed from key messages! Sources: 1.Meal Wheel from Chef Ann Cooper 2.Ralston K., Newman C., Clauson A., Guthrie J. & Buzby J. July 2008. The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. USDA Economic Research Service Report Number 61. Washington, D.C. 3. RWJF. 2008. Impact of Federal commodity Programs on School meal Nutrition.
NSLP & Industry USDA 2004: Senior Advisor on Food & Nutrition (NCBA*); Press Secretary (NCBA); CIO (ConAgra) DGA 2005: Kraft; Mars; American Egg Board; Sugar Association; NCBA Kellogg; National Dairy Board & Council 2008 Sec Ag: corn sweet- eners; Governor's Biotech Partnership; fish farms *National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Of $8 Billion spent on NSLP in 2006, $1 Billion spent on commodities. Although a small % of total agribusiness in US, it is unevenly distributed as evidenced by the inverse pyramid. Both USDA and DGA advisory committee numerous ties to industry. Eg. DGA 2005 committee included members with direct ties to American Egg Board; the American Cocoa Research Institute; the Sugar Association; the Kellogg Company; National Dairy Council; National Dairy Board; Kraft; NCBA; Mars Inc. USDA 2004 ties included USDA Senior Advisor on Food and Nutrition Elizabeth Johnson (former associate director for food policy at NCBA), and USDA Chief Information Officer Scott Charbo (former president mPower3, a subsidiary of ConAgra Foods) Sources: 1. 2004 a) b) 2. RWJF. 2008. Impact of Federal Commodity Programs on School Meal Nutrition. 3. USDA. 2008. search current Sec Ag biography.
Cause for Hope National and Local Initiatives NSLP: Wellness Policy, Fruit & Veggie Program; Geographic Preference Oregon HB 3601: DOE & ODA collaborate on Farm to School & School Garden Programs-Centennial Learning Center HB 3601-legislation pending to increase funding; Centennial Learning Center in Gresham, 70% free/reduced lunch, grant to build a teaching kitchen to help children un-learn “poverty eating.” DOA representative Cory Screiber, DOE rep Joan Ottinger. Sources: Fogel, Greg. July 2008. Farm to School Legislation: A state by state listing. Community Food Security Coalition: Washington, D.C. Long, Cynthia. 2008. Memo SP 30-2008: Applying Geographic Preferences in procurements for the Child Nutrition Programs. USDA Food and Nutrition Service: Washington, D.C. Ralston K., Newman C., Clauson A., Guthrie J. & Buzby J. July 2008. The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues. USDA Economic Research Service Report Number 61. Washington, D.C.
Conclusions Our children’s health in peril Policy: double-edged sword Children’s health vs. Agribusiness Bee the change you want to see in the world!!!
Resources National School Lunch Program Farm to School National Network Center for Ecoliteracy Alliance for a Healthier Generation Dietary Guideline for Americans 2010 Slow Food USA Slow Food in Schools Ecotrust Farm to School