S tay in School Performance Grant Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education
Purpose To encourage 8 th, 9 th, and 10 th grade students to stay in school and successfully complete high school.
2006 Statewide Participation 23 Technical Colleges 51 School Districts 130 Middle & High Schools Approximately 15,000 8 th Grade Students in FY 06 Approximately th Grade Teachers & Counselors
2007 Statewide Participation 29 Technical Colleges 1 BOR Technical Division 63 School Districts 178 Middle & High Schools Approximately 37,000 8 th & 9th Grade Students Approximately 900 8th Grade Teachers & Counselors
FY07 Focus Accountability & Results Minimum Expectations of Grantees Career Interest Surveys/Assessments Academic Career Plans (Peach State Pathways) Teacher to Teacher Meetings Middle School Guidance Program – Building Relationships with Students Develop Career and Skill Opportunities for Each Cohort during 9 th and 10 th grade Maintain a Focus on the Cohort in Carrying out all Grant Activities
Activities and Performance Indicators Career Interest Inventories –80% of all 8 th graders must report completing career interest inventories to meet this performance indicator Academic Career Plans –80% of all 8 th graders must report completing academic career plans to meet this performance indicator
Middle & High School Teacher Meetings –85% of middle school teachers must report meeting with their high school counterparts to discuss expectations, content knowledge, and performance standards to meet this performance indicator Structured Guidance Programs –85% of middle school teachers must report being a part of a structured guidance program in their middle school to meet this performance indicator Activities and Performance Indicators
Multiple Initiative Indicators –Decrease the percentage of students who fail one or more courses in the ninth grade by 10% –Decrease the percentage of students who need remediation in the ninth and tenth grade by 10% Activities and Performance Indicators
Funding FY 07 –$2,344,616 Committed by Governor Sonny Perdue $1,000,000 through DTAE $1,344,616 through Governor’s Office of Workforce Development
The Stay in School Logo Courtesy of Mary Ann Miller, Marketing Assistant, Lanier Technical College