After School At-Risk Supper Program Building Collaborative Partnerships Vickie Hartel, CACFP Coordinator
In October 2006, we piloted with 3 schools. We ended our first year with 8 sites. We used the Component Meal Pattern of a cold sandwich, fresh fruit, fresh veggie and milk.
Today, six years later, we have expanded to: 40 After School Programs at schools and community locations.
Supper Program History: – 3 to 8 sites – 24 sites – 26 sites – 36 sites – 32 sites – 40 sites (As of March 2012)
Breakdown of Salem-Keizer Public Schools After School Program Sites : 19 Elementary Schools on the ODE 50% List 6 Middle Schools on the ODE 50% List 3 High Schools on the ODE 50% List 12 Eligible Location qualified, because they are not listed on the ODE 50% List (schools and community partner sites)
Program Transition 1. In 2010, we transitioned from a cold sandwich entrée to serving a hot entrée at all school sites and all but two community partnership sites. 2. Sodexo staff was hired to serve at school locations.
Meal Service We serve the hot entrée on a paper plate, along with the fresh fruit, fresh veggie and milk which are served in a paper sack to streamline the serving process and also minimize the opportunity for incomplete meals being served and counted.
Salem-Keizer School District Collaborative Partnerships: As we continue to provide a quality program and expand our At-Risk Supper Program, we have developed partnerships with 12 community entities.
Salem-Keizer Food & Nutrition Services - Sodexo The district Food & Nutrition Services Management Company.
Salem-Keizer Education Foundation The Salem Keizer Education Foundation (SKEF) was founded in 1982 and is the oldest community-based, non-profit organization in Oregon dedicated to enriching the quality of education in its local public schools. SKEF promotes and supports academic excellence for kindergarten through 12th grade students in Salem-Keizer Public Schools.
Salem Family Literacy Program The Salem Family Literacy Program is a federal program conceived to break the cycle of poverty by providing education for the family unit. Parents have the opportunity to improve their education status, gain parenting skills, learn English and prepare their children for success in school. Meanwhile, in the classroom children are given the chance to increase pre-literacy skills, such as vocabulary building, verbal expression and social skills.
Salem Child Development Centers (SCDC) Located in nine Elementary schools. They provide after school care and offer homework help, physical activities, games and arts & crafts.
Boys & Girls Club Located on the grounds at an elementary school, three days per week. They are served and eat in the cafeteria. Sodexo staff heats and serves the meals. School staff completes the Meal Count and daily Production Records. Boys & Girls Club staff provides attendance records at the end of each month.
Churches Capital Park, Wesleyan Church – Operates five days to Elementary and Middle School students. Open Door, First Free Methodist Church – Operates two days to Elementary students and two days to High school Students. Salem Alliance - Operates two days per week to toddlers, children and teens.
Colonia Libertad, Farm Worker Housing Development Center Farmworker Housing Development Corporation is a community-based non-profit organization dedicated to serving mid-Willamette Valley farmworkers and their families.
Marion-Polk Food Share Spring Break Salem-Keizer Public Schools in partnership with Salem-Keizer Sodexo who will provide the food and staff to serve the meals, Reading For All who will provide books to all participating children. Salem Child Development Center (SCDC) and Salem-Keizer Education Foundation (SKEF) will provide the games and arts & Craft activities.
Reading For All Focus is to increase the community’s awareness of the importance of reading, encourage parents to read to their children, align community resources for children to receive books and have adults read to them.
St. Vincent de Paul, (private Christian school ) Provided after school care to students Monday-Friday. They offered homework assistance, games and activities. The meals were delivered in ice chests and church staff recorded the Time/Temperature of the food, served the meals, completed the daily Production Records and provided attendance sheets at the end of each month.
Tips for Success: Referrals Brochures Training Sessions and Follow-up
Questions? Vickie Hartel, CACFP Coordinator Salem-Keizer Public Schools Phone: Ext