School Libraries What Are They Good For?
Meet Your Librarian When you think “school librarian,” who do you picture?
Other Perceptions: They “guard the books” Check books in and out all day Read all day Anyone can do it, no degree necessary Glorified secretary, file clerk, or teaching assistant Dusty relic who can’t keep up with technology “Why do we need them when we have the Internet?”
The Reality They’re teachers too. – Certified and everything. And they’ve probably had more education than you. They’re eager to help you develop your curriculum. – The librarian is an information literacy specialist. – They can teach your class, team-teach with you, or serve as an “instructional consultant.”
Why Are They Necessary? More than 60 recent studies have shown “students in schools with good school libraries learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized test scores than their peers in schools without libraries.” - School Libraries Work, 2006 “Research has shown that school libraries staffed by qualified library media specialists are needed to have a positive impact on student academic achievement.” - Why Care About School Libraries, 2005
What Else Can They Do For You? Librarians are information specialists – Copyright compliance issues – Finding & writing grants – Finding & obtaining professional development resources – Know the school’s curriculum & can suggest resources – Help find adaptations for students with special needs & ESL students – Tech instruction/support
Why’s It Called a “Media Center?” School libraries have lots more than books – Videos, DVDs – Books on tape, CDs, audiocassettes – Computers with Internet access, Software – Electronic databases, online catalog – TVs, VCRs, DVD players – Laptops, LCD projectors, SmartBoards – Games, Manipulatives, etc. – Professional Books & Journals
What Can I Expect? Remember, they’re colleagues and collaborators. They can be really busy! Plan & schedule ahead Follow library rules & procedures Treat them with professional courtesy