What does this mean?
Our school has a high number of students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Price Lunch. – We receive additional federal money to help increase student achievement in our school. – The School Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) is written to clearly define how the money will be spent. – Parents help write the goals for the UIP and are welcome to read the plan. – In Adams 12, we allocate funds to schools for the number of students receiving Free lunch only
– All educational funds in our schools, including Title I, support a standards based education. Adams 12’s progress toward standards is monitored in several ways including Unified Improvement Plans, Student Report Cards, and School Performance Frameworks. – 1% of the District’s Title I budget is spent on parent involvement. You have the right to give input as to how this money is spent. You can learn more by contacting your School Accountability Committee (formerly known as School Improvement Team – SIT)parent representative or attending a SAC meeting.
Changes to Title I, Part A for Title I Schools
Schools Performance Frameworks- Schools are assigned the following “Plan Types” based on student growth measures ◦ Performance ◦ Improvement ◦ Priority Improvement ◦ Turnaround Proficiency data reported in conjunction with specific, annual targets – we no longer use Adequate Yearly Progress
Share School Performance Framework Results
If a school doesn’t meet specific targets and becomes identified as Priority Improvement or Turnaround, parents and students have additional options: 1.The Choice to attend a higher performing school with transportation provided by Title I. 2.Eligible students receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES) which is free academic support for students who qualify. This support can be given before, during, or after school. (was free tutoring by an outside company) 3.Parent participation in the school’s improvement planning process.
Students attending Priority Improvement or Turnaround Schools can attend a higher performing school by completing the Title I Choice application sent out in mid-year. ◦ Title I Choice schools are determined by Adams 12 in order to meet state criteria ◦ Transportation is provided from Title I School to Choice school ◦ The cost of transportation is paid by Title I funds
SES Schools only
If our school is eligible for SES ◦ Students in grades 4-8 who are unsatisfactory or partially proficient on the state T-CAP in reading and/or math assessments are eligible ◦ Students in grades 1-3 who perform below grade level on District Assessments in reading and/or math ◦ The school district reviews the data of state assessments to determine which ELLs are in the most need of English language developent SES services.
Parents will be notified that their child qualifies for these services based on state and district level assessments. Each school will have an application process for students who qualify for these services. Please contact Rochelle Garcia- Gomez for more information ( )
In order to provide districts with plenty of time to meet the Title I Choice and SES requirements, these actions are based on data that comes out each August for the following school year ◦ For example, a school on Priority Improvement for the school year, will offer Choice and SES in If that same school moves to Improvement in 12-13, there will not be Choice or SES offered for the school year ◦ Transportation can be affected from year to year based on the School Performance Framework
A Parent Compact is an agreement between the school and a family to improve student performance. ◦ The compact is part of the Schoolwide/Unified Improvement Plan and will be shared with you. ◦ The compact must be reviewed and modified annually with parent input.
Share your Parent Compact
You have the right to know the qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals in your school. You will receive a letter of notification in the Fall if your child is being taught by a teacher who does not meet the federal requirements. Currently, Adams 12 is 100% Highly Qualified in regard to teachers and paraprofessionals
For more information about Title I Schoolwide programs contact: Rochelle Garcia-Gomez at: or