Do parents seem to understand your school rules and expectation for student behavior? Staff Teachers Paraprofessional YESNO 75.3%26.1% 62%38% 77%23%
Is student behavior in the halls safe, respectful and orderly? Staff Teachers YESNO 77%23.3% 75%25%
Are students in your campus given on-going instruction in resolving conflict? Staff Teachers YESNO 72.6%27.8% 68%32%
Do you feel that effective support systems are in place to help you implement the schools approach to behavior management? Staff Teachers YESNO 74.9%26.1% 72%28%
Do you feel that there is good support from the administration on issues involving student motivation? Teachers YESNO 76%24%
Do staff members on this campus accept responsibility for discipline in all public areas and for all students? Teachers YESNO 75%25%
Do you feel that there is good support from the administration on issues involving student motivation? CC Winn HS EPJH P. Gallego Elem. Kirchner Elem. Liberty Elem. Mancha Elem. YESNO 56.3%43.7% 54.5%47.3% 62.5%43.8% 40%60% 68.4%31.6% 63.6%36.4%
Do you feel that effective support systems are in place to help you implement the school’s approach to behavior management? CC Winn HS A. Cerna Elem. ECC EPJH P. Gallego Elem. Kirchner Elem. Liberty Elem. Mancha Elem. YESNO 47.9%53.5% 50%58.3% 57.1%42.9% 54.5%47.3% 43.8%62.5% 40%60% 65.8%34.2% 54.5%50%
Does the administration support you in dealing with challenging students? CC Winn HS ECC EPJH Kirchner Elem. YESNO 66%34% 64.3%42.9% 69.1%30.1% 40%60%
Do you feel comfortable communicating with your administrator/supervisor on concerns about student discipline? CC Winn HS ECC EPJH Kirchner Elem. YESNO 69%31% 64.3%42.% 68.8%31.3% 60%40%
Is student behavior in the halls safe, respectful and orderly? CC Winn HS EPHS EPJH HB Gonzalez Elem. YESNO 50.7%49.3% 69%31% 37.5%62.5% 67.9%32.1%
Is student behavior during lunch safe, respectful and orderly? Cerna Elem. ECC P. Gallego Elem. Gonzalez Elem. Graves Elem. Kirchner Elem. YESNO 66.7%33.3% 64.3%35.7% 50% 67.9%32.1% 63.6%36.4% 60%40%
Are students on your campus given on-going instruction in resolving conflicts? CC Winn HS Cerna Elem. EPHS EPJH Gallego Elem. Kirchner Elem. Lee Elem. MJH YESNO 40.8%59.2% 66.7%33.3% 53.5%46.5% 56.4%45.5% 62.5%37.5% 60%40% 68%32% 65.1%34.9%
Do staff members on this campus accept responsibility for discipline in all public areas and for all students? CC Winn HS Cerna Elem. EPJH Gallego Elem. Gonzalez Elem. YESNO 53.5%47.9% 66.7%33.3% 65.5%36.4% 62.5%43.8% 67.9%32.1%
Do you feel that the school climate on your campus is friendly and welcoming? Gallego Elem. Mancha Elem. YESNO 68.8%31.2% 63.6%36.4%
Do parents seem to understand your school’s rules and expectations for student behavior? CC Winn HS EPHS EPJH Gallego Elem. Lee Liberty YESNO 54.9%45.1% 67.6%32.4% 67.3%32.7% 43.8%56.2% 52%48% 65.8%39.5%
Have a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meeting Will develop and promote TEAM
Once you get students/parents on your side.
Positive relationship with staff “Say Good Morning”
Persistent behavior problem (student) “when or how many times do you meet with parents” DAEP – 45 minute orientation.
Question: What do we do with that student that continuously disrupts the classroom and parents are in denial?