Preparing for Cycle III School and District Accountability Ratings and AYP Determinations Information Sessions August 26 & 27, 2004 Juliane Dow, Associate Commissioner Accountability, Improvement Planning and Targeted Assistance
Massachusetts Accountability System Basics School Performance Ratings are Biannual (2002, 2004, 2006…), as required by state law Descriptive terms Ratings for Performance and Improvement Based on aggregate MCAS student results AYP determinations are Issued every year, as required by federal law For students in aggregate and for subgroups Based on four factors: participation, performance, improvement, and attendance (elementary and middle schools) or graduation rate (high schools)
Why Proficiency? Proficiency in core academic subjects is the gateway to: Opportunities for higher education Meaningful choices for employment in our 21 st -century high tech economy Full participation in community and civic life
Calculating the Composite Performance Index (“CPI”) Points awarded based on number of students performing at each level Different performance measures for students with significant cognitive disabilities participating in MCAS- Alt Just arithmetic! Multiply, add, then divide.
Massachusetts NCLB Performance Targets for ELA and Mathematics Cycle III
Composite Performance Index MA Performance and Improvement Ratings Critically Low Very Low Low Moderate High Very High On Target Declined No Change Improved, Below Target Above Target X X X X X Baseline B
What is AYP? AYP stands for Adequate Yearly Progress Means progress towards 100% of students achieving proficiency by 2014 Measures progress against specific expectations each year
Cycle III AYP Criteria 70% + CD Attainment B: Performance C: Improvement A: Participation D: Attendance Graduation Rate 95% CPI Baseline CPI Time (# of Cycles) or 92% or ^ 1% ELA: 75.6 Math: 60.8
Two Ways to Make AYP: (A+B+D) Participation + Performance (A+C+D) Participation + Improvement or + Attendance or Graduation Rate
New In 2004 Assessment results for LEP students in US schools for first year not included in calculation of CPI Minimum sample size for subgroups is greater of a) 40 or b) 5% of students assessed or 200 Additional indicator (attendance or graduation rate) considered in all AYP determinations
18 AYP Determinations Per School! Each school and district receives AYP determinations in ELA/reading and in mathematics for students in the aggregate and each NCLB subgroup
Preliminary AYP Data Review August 25 - August 31 Review preliminary 2004 End-of-Cycle III AYP data files for schools and for district as a whole (data files posted to MADOE security portal Attend explanatory workshops (optional) Identify and report any AYP data or determination discrepancies evident in preliminary data run. September 1 Notice to districts and schools on preliminary list of those identified for improvement, corrective action or restructuring September 10 Preliminary list of districts and schools identified for improvement, corrective action or restructuring released to public.
AYP Reporting Schedule September 29 - October 6 Districts preview End-of-Cycle School and District Accountability System (SDAS) reports (Cycle III performance and improvement ratings and 2004 AYP determinations) Identify and report any data or determination discrepancies for resolution prior to public release of Cycle III accountability reports. October 8 Public release of Cycle III Accountability reports.
Consequences When A School Does Not Make AYP Schools that fail to make AYP for two consecutive years in either subject for any group must be “identified for improvement” All schools identified for improvement must develop a plan for improving student performance Title 1 schools identified for improvement must also –offer school choice (year 1 in improvement status) –offer supplemental services (year 2 if fail to make AYP in year 1)
Notice to Parents: School Choice and Supplemental Services Title 1 Schools identified for Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring must offer school choice if alternative assignment options exist. If school choice is required, parents must be notified, in writing, as soon as possible after districts receive notice of the designation.
Corrective Action and Restructuring Schools identified for improvement that fail to make AYP for 2 additional years must be identified for corrective action. Schools that did not make AYP in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 were identified for corrective action last fall. Schools in corrective action that fail to make AYP in 2004 are subject to restructuring.
Appeal Standards and Processes Objective is to render fair, reliable decisions Appeals may be filed to address perceived erroneous or unfair determinations where: –there are student enrollment data discrepancies –data is missing or misplaced –circumstances render the reported data invalid or unreliable –application of the standard rules would render a result inconsistent with statutory intent, public policy, or sound professional judgement –school or district provides evidence that it has taken specific action to improve the performance of an identified subgroup and MCAS results demonstrate significantly improved results for that subgroup in the following year.
School Accountability Steps 1.Performance Ratings & AYP Determinations 2.Panel Review 3.Determination of Under-performance 4.Fact-Finding 5.Performance Improvement Mapping 6.Improvement Plan Reviewed by Board 7.DOE Monitors Improvement Initiatives 8.Year 2 Follow-up Review 9.Determination of Chronic Under-performance
Link Between NCLB and Our State’s On-Site Performance Review Process Schools identified for corrective action or restructuring based on aggregate results undergo state panel review. Panel Review Questions: 1. Is there a sound plan for improving student performance? 2. Are the conditions in place for successful implementation of such a plan?
Where Can I Find Accountability Information When I Need It? Visit the Department of Education website, –Click on Assessment and Accountability to find explanatory materials about the MA School and District Accountability System –Go to “School and District Profiles” to find performance data for the state, a district or school. Send questions to: