Assumption Grammar School “Fully Alive” Assumption Grammar School
Developing A Quality Assurance Policy The development of a Quality Assurance Policy was originally part of our Whole School Specialist Targets for Year 1 Reviewed and revised as part of the School Development Plan in 2013 Assumption Grammar School
Developing A Quality Assurance Policy Some aspects of the original policy focused too much on Quality Assurance as driven by SLT. In reviewing the SDP for 2013-16, it was decided that Quality Assurance mechanisms need to stem from the staff and form part of agreed and shared practice. The link between Quality Assurance and Staff Development and Emergent Leadership also needed to be exploited. Assumption Grammar School
Assumption Grammar School Policy Aims To establish a Quality Assurance Group to focus on developing strategies for improvement. This is a voluntary group- 10 staff ranging from experienced HoDs to newly appointed staff Assumption Grammar School
Quality Assurance Group Objectives: To develop further a transparent culture of self-evaluation for improvement To share good practice and ideas To develop pupil voice To assist with Departmental Planning To inform School Development Planning To celebrate achievement To address stress Assumption Grammar School
Assumption Grammar School Policy in Action The Quality Assurance Policy runs in conjunction with a BoG initiative A Quality Assurance sub-committee of the BoG has been established Assumption Grammar School
Assumption Grammar School Policy in Action The BoG Quality Assurance sub-committee have joined the Principal and Vice Principal for Curriculum and School Effectiveness in their meetings with Heads of Department. All comparative results, departmental self-evaluation documentation and departmental development plans are sent to the BoG in advance of the meetings. During the meetings, the committee has the opportunity to discuss these areas with the HoD. Assumption Grammar School
Assumption Grammar School Policy in Action Quality Assurance School Development Plan Targets for 2013-14 To extend the QA Team set up in 2012-13 to include 10 members of staff All the QA Team will participate in 1 peer observation during Team 1 using the agreed pro-forma (Pupil Voice will be carried out following observation) In term 2, at least 2 members of the team will conduct Learning Walks and will use an agreed pro-forma to record their visits Assumption Grammar School
Pupil Voice
Assumption Grammar School 2014/15 Additional staff on the QA Team Develop Learning Walks Increase links with the BoG – through classroom observation Assumption Grammar School
Assumption Grammar School “Fully Alive” Assumption Grammar School