WELCOME PARENTS! We hope you enjoy dining with us today! You as parents are such an important part of the school community, and we look forward to hearing your feedback about lunch at [SCHOOL NAME] 2
MEET THE TEAM [Staff member, title] [Staff member title] 3 [insert any photos you have of school food service staff from events, around the lunchroom, etc.]
TODAY’S MENU [Insert the day’s menu] 4
CREATING SCHOOL MEALS School lunches are healthy: - Lunches must meet nutrition guidelines including: - limiting fat and saturated fat in meals - providing one-third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C - Lunches at [NAME OF SCHOOL] are chosen to meet these dietary guidelines. - [NAME OF SCHOOL] lunches are served in age- appropriate portion sizes and provide the right balance of protein, dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. 5
CREATING SCHOOL MEALS [insert any information about how food service staff at your school decides on menus, gets feedback from students, holds school lunch-centered events, etc.] 6
WHERE DO WE GET OUR FOOD? [List vendors and food service providers and locations] 7
LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Please fill out the survey– we value your feedback! Use the talking points handout to talk with your student and find out what he or she likes or doesn’t like about school lunch Visit schoolmeals.educateiowa.gov for more information about school lunches in Iowa Questions or comments? See [Insert name and contact info] 8