What is PharmCAS? by Teresa and Eman, 5.29.13
So what is it? It is the Pharmacy College Application Service An online service that almost all pharmacy schools require for applicants to use, for submitting pharmacy school applications Very similar to the “common app” you used to apply to UCI and other UC schools.
“almost all” Pharmacy Schools require PharmCAS? Yes. There are about 129 pharmacy school in the US, only 19 don’t use PharmCAS: CALIFORNIA Schools: ALL 8 OF THEM Participating Schools: http://www.pharmcas.org/collegesscho ols/schoolpagesPARTinstitution.htm
General Process for applying to Pharm School 1. Complete all required pre-requisites, and meet a school’s GPA requirements. 2. COMPLETE and submit PHARMCAS. 3. Complete the supplemental application, once your pharmacy school invites you to complete it.
Why is PharmCAS kind of nice? Applying to pharmacy school in the ancient times required MAILING: Each individual transcript from previous schools Letters of Rec PCAT scores Personal Statement, and other applicant info TO EACH PHARMACY SCHOOL YOU APPLIED TO! Can you say, “hassle…”
Why is PharmCAS kind of nice? NOW you can combine all your info into ONE APP and simply choose all the Pharmacy Schools you would like apply to straight from the PharmCAS website. NO MAILING required. Kind of nice.
AWESOME PharmCAS feature: http://www.pharmcas.org/collegesschools/schoo lpages.htm ALL GENERAL INFO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT EVERY PHARMACY SCHOOL!
Disclaimer PharmCAS changes every year! So, let’s get to it.
PharmCAS General Anatomy Applicant Information Academic History Transcripts Additional Information (all experience) Personal Essay References and Letters of Recommendation Pharmacy Designations
Applicant Information Short Bio, Background, Address, Phone Number, Parent or guardian info… Self-explanatory…
Academic History Secondary (High) School PCAT, AP, and IB scores Colleges previously and currently attended Coursework (Completed, In Progress, and Planned) from U.S. colleges including Study Abroad Academic update Academic Update is a window of time that allows you to update grades on any coursework completed since you originally e-submitted your application. You can only update the coursework section one time when the Academic Update is open. You are not allowed to update your course history at any other time during the admissions cycle. When the Academic Update window is opened, you can only add grades for courses taken during the summer and fall 2012 terms. You can NOT add courses taken in previous years. CAN ONLY USE ACADEMIC UPDATE ONCE!!! f you are eligible for Academic Update, navigate to the “Coursework” section. Change any Planned/In Progress terms that now have grades to a Completed Session by clicking on the “Switch to Completed Session” button. Then enter the grade for each course. At this time, you may also enter any new Planned courses for the winter, spring, or summer 2013 terms. Once you are finished adding all of your new courses, you must go back to the Checklist window and click on the “E-Submit Academic Update” button. Remember to arrange for official fall transcripts to be sent directly to PharmCAS as soon as possible. Once your application is updated and your fall transcripts are received, PharmCAS will verify and send your revised course history and GPAs to your designated pharmacy schools. Your updated GPAs will be available under the “Status” menu option of your PharmCAS application.
Transcripts Submit 1 transcript from each college attended U.S. Transcripts Foreign Transcripts An official transcript is one that is issued from the Office of the Registrar, contains an official seal or signature of the registrar, a watermark, and is sent to PharmCAS directly from the Registrar in a sealed envelope. To make sure your official transcript is handled properly by PharmCAS, you should print the PharmCAS official Transcript Request Form from the Colleges Attended section of your application and give that to your Registrar's Office to be included with your transcript when it is mailed to PharmCAS. At the same time, you should request an official student copy for yourself to help you complete the online application. Remember, PharmCAS must receive an official transcript from every regionally accredited institution you attended.
Additional Information Extracurricular Work Experience Professional Licenses and Certifications Honors and Scholarships Publications Enter related activities you would like your designated pharmacy colleges and schools to review. Do NOT include paid work experience in this section. List activities in order of importance to you. List each activity only once. For instance, if you were on the "dean's list" for more than one term, list that distinction only once. You may list up to 20 activities. If the activity is ongoing, estimate the future end date. Enter any paid or volunteer work experience. List experiences in order of importance to you. List each activity only once. Do not repeat any activities listed in the previous section. You may list up to 20 experiences. If still employed, leave the end date blank or estimate a future end date if an end date is anticipated. List any professional licenses or certificates you have earned (e.g., pharmacy technician license). Type of License or Certificate Issuing Organization Date Issued Expiration Date You may list up to 3 licenses. While this information is not verified by PharmCAS, individual schools may require official documentation of licensure or certifications listed in this application. Enter any special academic, service, or activity awards you have received in order of importance to you. List each honor or award only once. You may list up to 10 honors. Enter any publications you have written, listing them in order of importance to you. List each publication only once. You may list up to 10 publications.
Personal Essay PROMPT: Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas. 1 page limit (4500 characters including spaces) Do NOT personalize your essay for a particular pharmacy degree institution. You can NOT make any edits to your personal statement after you have e-submitted your completed application to PharmCAS.
Letters of Recommendation Enter up to 4 evaluators Evaluators can submit electronic letters of rec or paper references to PharmCAS PharmCAS will forward your references to all of your designated pharmacy schools, regardless of the school’s preference **CAUTION: Some pharmacy schools require references to be sent directly to them. Your college LOR service is able to send your letters directly to PharmCAS
Pharmacy Designations Select which pharmacy schools you are applying to Option to be an Early Decision applicant ED deadline: September 4, 2012 May select additional pharmacy schools after you submit your PharmCAS application Pay appropriate fee for each additional school selected Can’t apply to a particular school after deadline date has passed
E-Submission & Payment PharmCAS application fees are non-refundable
Processing Your Application PharmCAS verifies all of your courses after they receive ALL of your transcripts, completed application, and fee Calculates your GPA in semester-based 4.0 grading scale GPA calculations for: Science, Non- Science, Math, Undergraduate Cumulative PharmCAS GPA available within 4 weeks from the date you e-submit your app, transcripts have been received, and payment received
Re-Applicant Option If you’d applied before, you can reuse your old application, BUT you: CANNOT change your past volunteer, work, and coursework CAN only submit new personal statement and letters of Rec
Common Mistakes Spelling errors Entering incorrect grades NOT LISTING ALL COURSEWORK Submitting PharmCAS too early or too late Not remembering what was inputted, then going to an Interview
Common Problems Delays in references, transcripts, and PCAT Different school requirements and deadlines Submitting too close to the deadline, and then rushing the supplemental app PharmCAS has a 2-6 week processing time
Important DATES from 2012-2013 June, 2012: PharmCAS opens July, 2012: PCAT Examinations July 20, 2012: Regular Registration Deadline for September PCAT Exams September, 2012: PCAT Examinations November 1, 2012: 1st Regular institutional application deadline (ALL CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS). Fees, Letters of Rec, Transcripts are due in the PharmCAS office. Supplemental Application deadlines will vary, so please check with the school.
Important DATES from 2012-2013 Also check: http://www.pharmcas.org/advisors/calendar.htm
PharmCAS will open sometime Early June. Check the PharmCAS website from time to time next month to see if its open Do what you can already Start that Personal Statement! Don’t forget about ROLLING ADMISSIONS, which means that the earlier you apply, the better chances you have for getting an interview. NOT ALL pharmacy schools have rolling admissions, but most do. So just because the deadline is Nov. 1st for CA schools, don’t wait that late!
Just… Start Early and GOOD LUCK! =D