T he Importance of Regular and On-Time School Attendance Truancy Intervention Maximizing Education (TIME) Program, CARE Youth Project Escondido Union School District
CARE Youth Project Regular School Attendance is the First Step to Student Success in School
CARE Youth Project Daily and On-Time School Attendance is an Important Part of Being a Respectful and Responsible Student
CARE Youth Project Parents and School Staff Want Students to… learn and be successful in school develop healthy habits develop good life skills and routines feel comfortable at school develop friendships have positive school experiences Regular and on-time school attendance helps to support students in each of these areas
CARE Youth Project Positive Effects of Daily and On-Time School Attendance: Helps develop and practice respect and responsibility Helps to promote good life habits and skills Helps increase learning Promotes higher test scores and grades Students feel more connected to school Students are more likely to stay out of trouble
CARE Youth Project Negative Effects of not Attending School Daily and On-Time: Students miss out on classroom learning Students miss out on social experiences Students can have difficulty learning Catching up with missed learning can be twice the work Students can feel disconnected from school and peers Classroom teaching and learning can be interrupted Students may feel stressed and/or embarrassed
CARE Youth Project Important Attendance Terms: Chronic Absenteeism: Missing 10% or more of school in an academic year (both excused and unexcused absences). Example: In a 180 day school year, missing 18 days of school Truancy: Three unexcused absences or unexcused tardies, of more than 30 minutes, or any combination of the two, in one school year (Ed. Code 48260)
CARE Youth Project Attendance Facts: Chronic absence in kindergarten is associated with lower academic performance in 1 st grade among all students Kindergarten and 1 st grade students that are chronically absent, are less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3 rd grade Students with little or no attendance issues in kindergarten and first grade have shown to score higher on 3 rd grade California Standardized Tests (CSTs) Source: 2011.Chang, Hedy, Director of Attendance Works (
CARE Youth Project Attendance Facts: Students that are English Learners and have little or no attendance issues in kindergarten and first grade have shown to score higher on the 3 rd grade California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Chronic absence is the strongest predictor of students dropping out of school before graduation Source: 2011.Chang, Hedy, Director of Attendance Works (
CARE Youth Project Attendance Facts: Schools receive funding to provide students with education and programs that support student learning The school receives funding per student, for each day of school attendance School absences, excused or unexcused, are not funded The funding per student, per day is approximately $27 per day
CARE Youth Project EUSD Attendance Data : EUSD has had an increase of student attendance in the last three school years In , the school district was able to increase attendance revenue by approximately.50% and saved approximately $500,000 is district revenue In , EUSD kindergarten students had the highest rate of chronic absence amongst all grade levels (approx. 12%) In , 1 st grade students had the highest rate of truancy amongst all grade levels(approx. 33%)
CARE Youth Project Regular and On-time School Attendance is the Law in California: Compulsory Education Law (E.C. Section 48200): All students between 6 and 18 years of age, not exempted under provisions of the law, are required by California law to attend school. In addition parents have the legal responsibility to ensure their child’s attendance.
CARE Youth Project School Attendance for Students under 6 years of age: Once enrolled, students, under 6 years of age, are required to attend school daily and on-time per school district attendance policies Parents are responsible for helping their children understand and follow attendance policies
CARE Youth Project School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Process (E.C ): established by California law to identify students with attendance concerns provides early intervention provides information and support links students and their families with resources to help improve attendance promotes academic achievement prevents school dropout
CARE Youth Project Attendance Intervention: School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Process: Students, over the age of 6 years old that are absent from school without a valid excuse, three full days or tardy or absent for more than any 30 minute period, without a valid excuse on 3 occasions, or any combination of the two, in one school year, will be considered as being truant from school and will enter in the SARB process Students’ parents/guardians are notified of truancy concerns through a series of letter notifications (there are 3 SARB letters) and through school staff consultations through phone calls and meetings
CARE Youth Project Attendance Interventions : School Attendance Review Teams and SART Contracts Truancy Intervention Maximizing Education (TIME) Program, the district attendance intervention program SARB Hearings and SARB Contracts Referrals to the Deputy District Attorney for Juvenile Truancy Court (only used when truancy issues are severe and have not improved, and when needed for additional support
CARE Youth Project Valid Reasons for Excused Absences: Education Code specifies valid reasons for excused absences Parents receive this information in the beginning of school year packets. Please see the Escondido Union School District School Attendance Brochure, or the school’s Parent Handbook for detailed information on valid reasons for excused absences or ask the school office for the information
CARE Youth Project Ways that Parents Can Support Students: Reinforce the importance of daily and on-time school attendance at home Establish expectations and routines at home (ex. early bedtime, early morning routines) Explain and teach the expectations and routines Be consistent Be repetitive (practice is very important)
CARE Youth Project Ways that Parents Can Support Students: Be patient as expectations, routines and skills are learned Be a good role model Maintain good communication with school staff When there is an absence, call the school each day of the absence and/or provide written verification explaining the absence (all verifications must be provided within 2 days of student’s return to school) Ask the school for information or support when needed
CARE Youth Project Ways that School Staff Help Support Students… Help students to feel welcome in school every day Establish and teach school-wide expectations about daily and on-time school attendance Consistently reinforce the importance of having good daily attendance Check-in with students when they are absent and return to school, when they are late or when they leave early Help students to feel supported and connected to school and to others
CARE Youth Project Ways that School Staff Help Support Parents… Help to reinforce daily home and school routines Work collaboratively with parents Communicate with parents when there are school attendance concerns or any other concerns Offer parents support, information and/or connection to resources when needed
CARE Youth Project Regular and on-time school attendance throughout a student’s academic career is a key factor to achievement in learning.
CARE Youth Project Let us work together on building your student’s pathway toward academic success.
CARE Youth Project For Additional information: Contact your child’s school or contact the school district’s attendance intervention program, TIME Program (760)