Pupil Premium Review 2014
Format of the day Additional information Questions asked Report findings Future cctions
TimeInformation 8.30amWelcome and Introduction - Head Teacher amMeeting with Named Pupil Premium Governor amTour of the school with Pupil Premium Students amMeeting with Pupil Premium Progress Tutors pmMeeting with Assistant Head Teachers Pupil Premium Lead Assessment Lead pmMeeting with Head of English and Maths and Key Stage 3 and 4 co-ordinators for English and Maths pmStudent voice – Key Stage 3 and Key Stage pmReflection time pmDiscussion and Feedback with Pupil Premium Lead and Head Teacher
Reviewed the Pupil Premium Action Plan Scrutinised the RAISEonline report (2013) Scrutinised the current Pupil Premium analysis of data ( ) Scrutinised tracking and monitoring systems for individual students
How/when/what data shared is with Governors? How is the curriculum structured to best support pupil premium students? Describe and explain your assessment process. How do you track and monitor individual students? How do you know your actions are having an impact? Explain your intervention strategies in English and Maths at Key Stage 3 and 4.
Asked about the quality of teaching. Asked what activities they were involved in outside the classroom. Asked about how they found work in lessons and did it challenge them enough. Asked about what they liked about the school. Asked about what they would like to see in school be developed. Asked if they received additional support.
Intervention needs to be targeted to individual needs. Include a whole school target on Pupil Premium in all staff appraisals. Training for Governors in ‘how to ask the right questions’ to challenge the school. Start a programme in Year 7 with parents to support homework, reading and Maths. Ensure all actions will have an impact on outcomes.
Develop/review current action plans from the report feedback: Immediate response – now until Aug 14 Long-term plan – September 14 onwards