August 21, 2014
Conference Time: 1:50-3:20 PM daily (by appointment) s: --Language Arts & SS --Math --Science School Phone: Contact Information
1.Listen to others. 2.Follow directions on first request. 3.Respect self, others and property. 4.Make safe choices. 5.Always do your best! School Rules
Classes will follow a positive behavior reinforcement system called Class DOJO. This system allows students to earn a point after each class if they reached their behavior goals. Students can receive a total of 6 points. Points are never taken away. Major Takeaway: Student reflection! Classroom Management Systems
1. Verbal warning 2. Redirection to an alternative activity 3. Cool down (in an alternative classroom if needed) 4. Note or call home to parent 5. Office Referral School-wide Behavior Consequences
Agendas must be filled out by students and signed for Tuesday by a parent, guardian, or other adult mentor. This communicates to the teacher that parent is aware of weekly assignments. Homework All homework is due by Friday with individual assignments due as indicated in Agenda. 4 Week Progress Reports will go home in Thursday folders and are due back signed by parents by that Friday. Expectations
Reinforces important practice of skills taught and reviewed. Read independently for 20 minutes. Students will NOT be given homework grades. Students will show mastery of content through classroom performance. Homework
Writing (Day 1) – March 30, 2015 Writing (Day 2) – March 31, 2015 Math – April 21, 2015 Reading – April 22, 2015 STAAR Testing Dates
Tests/Assessments Weekly Tests Formal written compositions/ essays Reports Projects 50% Daily Work Daily quizzes Class assignments 40% Participation Literature discussion groups Labs Group work 10% Total100% Grading (Science, SS, ELA) Any student receiving a grade below mastery level of 70% will be given the opportunity to redo/correct the assignment for a maximum grade of 70%. The higher grade will be recorded in the gradebook.
Grading (Mathematics) Tests/Assessments50% Daily Work40% Participation10% Total100% Any late work that is not excused will result in a 5 point daily deduction and must be turned in no later than 3 school days from the due date.
After school sessions will be provided Dates and eligibility will be announced at a later date Benchmark data, daily classroom data, and past test data will be used to determine eligibility Tutoring
Report Cards go home each 9 weeks Progress Reports go home at 4 week intervals Awards Assemblies will be held twice this year – at mid-year and end-of-year. Recognition Ribbons will be given based on achievement in academic areas, special areas, and behavior. Distinguished Achievement (All A’s) Recognized Achievement (A’s and B’s) Longhorn Leader (3’s and 4’s) Perfect Attendance (No Absences and fewer than 3 Tardies) Special Area Ribbons Report Cards and Awards Assemblies
Language Arts: Narrative and Expository Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking A shift from learning to read to reading to learn. More independence required. Building endurance to read for longer periods of time with a high level of comprehension and ability to discuss, write or answer questions about text. Social Studies: The Election Texas History and Geography Document-Based Questions and Writing Use of Primary Sources Note-taking and tested on content Science: Emphasis on Earth, Life and Physical Sciences Hands-on Experiments and Cooperative Group Learning Performance and Content Assessments Math: Analysis of multi-step problems Required mastery of math facts and computation A variety of ways to estimate and solve problems Application to real life events Algebraic Thinking 4 th Grade Curriculum
The Thinkery The Theatre The Capitol Bob Bullock Museum Others TBD Field Trips
We need physical activity supplies and equipment. You can help by donating to our classroom directly. (Examples include: soccer balls, Nerf balls, beach balls, jump ropes, ring toss, etc.) Clipboards Bean Bags Electric Pencil Sharpeners!!! Donations
Formerly called Parent Forum, this leadership group will coordinate school functions and fundraising. Mrs. Ledbetter is our faculty representative on L3 this year. Our goal is 100% parent involvement. Please join L3! Thank you!! Join Little Longhorn League