South Bromsgrove High
5ACEM 250 yrs Attain 8 18 yrs
The gaps for Attainment 8 and Average GCSE grade are narrowing: WHY? Because these KPIs show improvement at all levels Students achieving grades F/G are getting E/Ds.
Beyond Attainment: Even the Ebacc KPI has improved if progress measures are used. Why: Because number and type of entries are important. Students entered for Ebacc tend to be higher ability (4b or better )
What works? Centrally held Available for bidding Staffing Specific intervention Supporting the cost of educational visits Supporting the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Revision days with external providers Master classes at Birmingham University English texts and DVDs of the set texts Easter Revision School
Is there clarity around the barriers to learning, desired outcomes and success criteria? Has there been an evaluation of current strategies and could better strategies be used? Which strategies are already working well? Which strategies are not yet having the desired impact, but will deliver impact if things are done differently, or staff receive support to develop? Which strategies are unlikely to deliver impact and should be withdrawn? Pupil Premium reviews
7 Recommendations 7.1 Training should be made available to all governors to support their knowledge and understanding of aspects of ROL that relate to PP and how in year data is reported through the MIS. 7.2 Governors should scrutinise data pertaining to PP students at every opportunity. This data should be made available in advance of the meeting allowing Governors to form views and questions prior to the meetings. 7.4 Heads of English and Maths, under the guidance of a senior leader, should pool information about students’ performance in examinations years, and particularly with regard to PP students, those who are underperforming to ensure the school benefits from matched data in the 5ACEM KPI.
7.10 The school would benefit from a support staff post, with an appropriate job description, that is clearly identified as an intervention coordinator for PP students in KS4. This post holder would be charged with collecting/holding/organising all the hard and soft information available for PP students, will be the primary liaison with PP students and will be line managed by the senior leader with responsibility for PP An adjustment to the school meeting structure should be considered allowing subject leaders to meet more frequently and share good practice and the SLTPP to meet with Heads of En, Ma and Sc at least one a half term Marking policy should be clear to all teachers and students and monitored by subject leaders and SLT to ensure that it is really having an impact on student progress. Feedback in the books/assessments for PP students should be particularly carefully monitored PP students should receive dedicated Careers Education, Information and Guidance so that steps towards achieving their destinations are identified and prioritised and integrated within the intervention framework.